Sqlitestudio — свободный менеджер sqlite баз данных

Особенности SQLite Editor

  • портативный — нет необходимости установки или удаления. Достаточно скачать, распаковать и запустить;
  • интуитивно понятный интерфейс;
  • представляет собой удобный SQLite Editor с интерфейсом,. переведенным на русский язык;
  • мощный, но легкий и быстрый инструмент;
  • все функции SQLite3 и SQLite2 поместились в простом графическом интерфейсе;
  • кросс-платформенный — работает на Windows 9x / 2k / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7, Linux, MacOS X и должен работать на других Unix системах;
  • экспорт в различные форматы (SQL-операторы, CSV, HTML, XML, PDF, JSON);
  • импорт данных из различных форматов (CSV, пользовательские текстовые файлы );
  • многочисленные небольшие дополнения, такие как форматирование кода, история запросов, выполняемых в окнах редактора, проверка синтаксиса на лету, и многое другое;
  • поддержка Unicode;
  • настраиваемые цвета, шрифты и значки;
  • открытый исходный код, который опубликован под лицензией GPLv3.

SQLiteStudio не нужно устанавливать, можно скачать портативную версию и начать редактировать SQLite базы данных без усилий.

На панели слева отображаются все доступные базы данных вместе с их данными. Иерархическое древовидное представление позволяет выбрать любую таблицу, триггер, процедуру или оператор и просмотреть данные в главном окне.

Через меню Базы данных можно открыть файл *.db, *.sdb, *.sqlite или *.db2 и подключиться к нему с помощью контекстного меню. Кроме того, можно импортировать схему из других баз данных или из файлов различных форматов, таких как CSV и dBase. После этого можно просматривать все существующие данные и манипулировать ими как угодно.

Используя Редактор запросов SQL, расположенный в меню Инструменты, можно вручную создать сценарий SQL и выполнить его.


  • Version 3.12.2 released — 2021-05-18
  • Version 3.12.1 released — 2020-11-09
  • Version 3.12.0 released — 2020-06-16
  • Version 3.11.2 released — 2019-04-03
  • Version 3.11.1 released — 2019-02-18
  • Version 3.11.0 released — 2019-02-07
  • Version 3.10.1 released — 2017-09-20
  • Version 3.10.0 released — 2017-08-20
  • Version 3.9.1 released — 2016-10-03
  • Version 3.9.0 released — 2016-08-24
  • Version 3.8.0 released — 2015-12-25
  • Version 3.7.0 released — 2015-06-14
  • Version 3.6.0 released — 2015-04-27
  • Version 3.5.1 released — 2015-02-08
  • Version 3.5.0 released — 2015-01-31
  • Version 3.4.0 released — 2014-10-29
  • Version 3.3.1 released — 2014-08-31 — Project renamed from «SQLite Database Browser»
  • Version 3.3.0 released — 2014-08-24
  • Version 3.2.0 released — 2014-07-06
  • Version 3.1.0 released — 2014-05-17
  • Version 3.0.3 released — 2014-04-28
  • Version 3.0.2 released — 2014-02-12
  • Version 3.0.1 released — 2013-12-02
  • Version 3.0 released — 2013-09-15
  • Version 3.0rc1 released — 2013-09-09 — Project now on GitHub
  • Version 2.0b1 released — 2009-12-10 — Based on Qt4.6
  • Version 1.2 released — 2005-04-05
  • Version 1.1 released — 2004-07-20
  • Version 1.01 released — 2003-10-02
  • Version 1.0 released to public domain — 2003-08-19

Выборка всех данных

Чтобы извлечь данные из БД выполним инструкцию SELECT, а затем воспользуемся методом fetchall() объекта курсора для сохранения значений в переменной. При этом переменная будет являться списком, где каждая строка из БД будет отдельным элементом списка. Далее будет выполняться перебор значений переменной и печатать значений.

Код будет таким:

Также можно использовать fetchall() в одну строку:

Если нужно извлечь конкретные данные из БД, воспользуйтесь предикатом WHERE. Например, выберем идентификаторы и имена тех сотрудников, чья зарплата превышает 800. Для этого заполним нашу таблицу большим количеством строк, а затем выполним запрос.

Можете использовать оператор INSERT для заполнения данных или ввести их вручную в программе браузера БД.

Теперь, выберем имена и идентификаторы тех сотрудников, у кого зарплата больше 800:

В приведенном выше операторе SELECT вместо звездочки (*) были указаны атрибуты id и name.


SQLite does not have a separate server process like most other SQL databases. There is absolutely no configuration to start, the SQLite project provides a command-line utility named sqlite3 (or sqlite3.exe on windows) that allows the user to manually enter and execute SQL statements against an SQLite database. In this document, we have discussed an introduction on how to download, install and start the sqlite3 program.


Download and Install SQLite3 from Ubuntu repository

Execute the following command in linux shell:

Download Install SQLite3 from Source Code in Ubuntu

Getting Started in Linux

After completion the installation process just type «sqlite3» and press «Enter» in linux shell and sqlite3 program will show a brief banner message and prompt you to enter SQL. To create a new database, type «sqlite3» followed by the name of the database file. If no database file is specified, a temporary database is created and deleted when the «sqlite3» program exits. Every SQL statement is terminated by a semicolon and press «Enter» to execute SQL. See the following commands:

:~$ sqlite3 test1
SQLite version 3.8.5 2014-06-04 14:06:34
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .database
>seq name file
--- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
0 main /home/datasoft/test1
sqlite> create table tb1 (col1 varchar(12), col2 intger);
sqlite> insert into tb1 values ('white', 100);
sqlite> insert into tb1 values ('red', 200);
sqlite> select * from tb1;

Install SQLite3 on Windows

  • Go to SQLite3 download page.
  • Go to the «Precompiled Binaries for Windows» section.
  • Download «sqlite-shell» and «sqlite-dll» archive files.
  • Unpack them in C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder (or any other that is in your PATH).

Getting Started in Windows

In Windows, double-clicking on the sqlite3.exe icon you can start the command-line shell. But by default this SQLite session uses an in-memory database, not a file on disk, and so all changes will be lost when the user exist the session. To use a persistent disk file as the database, enter the «.open» command immediately after the terminal window starts up:

The «.open test1.db» command open the database test1.db. To use the full pathname of a file, use forward-slashes as the directory separator character (e.g. use «d:/workarea/test.db», not «d:\workarea\test.db»).

SQLite3 HomeNext:
DOT(.) Commands

Discover a free, stable, and extremely lightweight SQL creation and management application, that doesn’t require server configuration

What’s new in SQLite 3.36.0:

  • Improvement to the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output to make it easier to understand.
  • Byte-order marks at the start of a token are skipped as if they were whitespace.
  • An error is raised on any attempt to access the rowid of a VIEW or subquery. Formerly, the rowid of a VIEW would be indeterminate and often would be NULL. The -DSQLITE_ALLOW_ROWID_IN_VIEW compile-time option is available to restore the legacy behavior for applications that need it.
  • The sqlite3_deserialize() and sqlite3_serialize() interfaces are now enabled by default. The -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE compile-time option is no longer required. Instead, there is is a new -DSQLITE_OMIT_DESERIALIZE compile-time option to omit those interfaces.

Read the full changelog

SQLite is the optimal solution for users who need to create, optimize, and edit SQL databases fast, in a self-contained environment.

A compact library of tools that can be executed seamlessly and rapidly

SQLite is a toolkit of assets that is extra small in size. Some of the great advantages of this library are — its portability, serverless traits (you don’t need to create or connect to a server), zero-configuration characteristics (just download, unzip, and start it from your favorite command-line), and the possibility to freely use it, without price or license restraints (it is free of cost, usable for any purpose, for private or commercial reasons).

This set of tools will allow the creation of databases with manual input, from the command-line. You can use the tool’s extensive documentation to know exactly how to get started. Also, it is important to know that your outputted file format is cross-platform, meaning that all the DB formatted datasets you create with SQLite can be copied and executed on both 32-bit and 64-bit system architectures.

What this package can help you create, and some use cases

As usual, when handling and executing processes from the command-line, it is advised to initiate them with admin privileges. Also, the tool can run seamlessly, regardless of the place where you download and unzip it; this means that you don’t necessarily need to add it to a path directory.

It is also important to take into account that although it is mild on your system’s resources, if you want it to run faster, you must allocate more memory for the respective process. With this database creation toolkit, you can make new databases, edit and reconfigure existing datasets, generate triggers, create indexes (fully or partially), make ordinary or recursive queries (with the Common Table Expressions feature), and much more.


As such, this powerful tool is a great way to get started with SQL database creation and management. Whether you are a beginner and just starting to understand data sets creation or you are an experienced user and need a more lightweight solution, this toolkit is perfect for you. Backed by detailed and extensive documentation and well optimized for error handling and system crashes, SQLite is a reliable asset for all those who need to manage SQL databases.

Using MSVC for Windows systems

On Windows, all applicable build products can be compiled with MSVC.
First open the command prompt window associated with the desired compiler
version (e.g. «Developer Command Prompt for VS2013»). Next, use NMAKE
with the provided «Makefile.msc» to build one of the supported targets.

For example, from the parent directory of the source subtree named «sqlite»:

There are several build options that can be set via the NMAKE command
line. For example, to build for WinRT, simply add «FOR_WINRT=1» argument
to the «sqlite3.dll» command line above. When debugging into the SQLite
code, adding the «DEBUG=1» argument to one of the above command lines is

SQLite does not require Tcl to run, but a Tcl installation
is required by the makefiles (including those for MSVC). SQLite contains
a lot of generated code and Tcl is used to do much of that code generation.

Special Services (details below)

9. TH3 Testing Support.
The TH3 test harness
is an aviation-grade test suite for SQLite. SQLite developers
can run TH3 on specialized hardware and/or using specialized
compile-time options, according to customer specification,
either remotely or on customer premises. Pricing for this
services is on a case-by-case basis depending on requirements.
call More InfoRequest A Quote
  1. TH3 Testing Support.
    The TH3 test harness
    is an aviation-grade test suite for SQLite. SQLite developers
    can run TH3 on specialized hardware and/or using specialized
    compile-time options, according to customer specification,
    either remotely or on customer premises. Pricing for this
    services is on a case-by-case basis depending on requirements.

    Cost: call

    More Info
    Request A Quote

Version Control

SQLite sources are managed using the
Fossil, a distributed version control system
that was specifically designed and written to support SQLite development.
The Fossil repository contains the urtext.

If you are reading this on GitHub or some other Git repository or service,
then you are looking at a mirror. The names of check-ins and
other artifacts in a Git mirror are different from the official
names for those objects. The offical names for check-ins are
found in a footer on the check-in comment for authorized mirrors.
The official check-in name can also be seen in the file
in the root of the tree. Always use the official name, not the
Git-name, when communicating about an SQLite check-in.

If you pulled your SQLite source code from a secondary source and want to
verify its integrity, there are hints on how to do that in the
section below.

Testing Services

The Test Harness #3 (TH3) is
a suite of test cases for SQLite that provide 100% branch test coverage
(and 100% modified condition/decision coverage) for the core SQLite in
an as-deployed configuration using only published and documented interfaces.
TH3 is designed for use with embedded devices, and is compatible with
DO-178B. Every release of the public-domain SQLite is tested using TH3,
and so all users benefit from the TH3 tests. But the TH3 tests are not
themselves public. Hardware or system manufactures who want to have
TH3 test run on their systems can negotiate a service agreement to have
the SQLite Developers run those tests.

Source install

To skip searching for pre-compiled binaries, and force a build from source, use

The sqlite3 module depends only on libsqlite3. However, by default, an internal/bundled copy of sqlite will be built and statically linked, so an externally installed sqlite3 is not required.

If you wish to install against an external sqlite then you need to pass the argument to wrapper:

If building against an external sqlite3 make sure to have the development headers available. Mac OS X ships with these by default. If you don’t have them installed, install the package with your package manager, e.g. for Debian/Ubuntu. Make sure that you have at least >= 3.6.

Note, if building against homebrew-installed sqlite on OS X you can do:

By default the node-gyp install will use as part of the installation. A
different python executable can be specified on the command line.

This uses the npm_config_python config, so values in .npmrc will be honoured:

7.5. Importing CSV files

Use the «.import» command to import CSV (comma separated value) data into
an SQLite table. The «.import» command takes two arguments which are the
source from which CSV data is to be read and the name of the
SQLite table into which the CSV data is to be inserted. The source argument
is the name of a file to be read or, if it begins with a «|» character,
specifies a command which will be run to produce the input CSV data.

Note that it is important to set the «mode» to «csv» before running the
«.import» command. This is necessary to prevent the command-line shell
from trying to interpret the input file text as some other format.

sqlite> .import C:/work/somedata.csv tab1

There are two cases to consider: (1) Table «tab1» does not previously
exist and (2) table «tab1» does already exist.

In the first case, when the table does not previously exist, the table is
automatically created and the content of the first row of the input CSV
file is used to determine the name of all the columns in the table. In
other words, if the table does not previously exist, the first row of the
CSV file is interpreted to be column names and the actual data starts on
the second row of the CSV file.

For the second case, when the table already exists, every row of the
CSV file, including the first row, is assumed to be actual content. If
the CSV file contains an initial row of column labels, you can cause
the .import command to skip that initial row using the «—skip 1» option.

About The SQLite Team

Paid support options and products are provided by
Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc., (Hwaci), a
with headquarters in

Charlotte, North Carolina and has been in business since
Hwaci has an international team of
employees and associates representing the best available talent.
We are a 100% engineering company. There is
no sales staff.
Our goal is to provide outstanding service and honest advice
without spin or sales-talk.

Hwaci is a small company but it is
also closely held and debt-free and has low
fixed costs, which means that it is largely immune to buy-outs,
take-overs, and market down-turns. Hwaci intends to
continue operating in its current form, and at roughly its current
size until at least the year 2050.
We expect to be here when you need us,
even if that need is many years in the future.

SQLite Expert Professional управление базами данных RePack (& Portable) by elchupacabra

SQLite Expert Professional – мощный визуальный инструмент для удобного управления БД SQLite3.Программа совмещает управление базами данных и их обслуживание в единой интегрированной среде с четким и интуитивно понятным пользователю графическим интерфейсом. С помощью этого приложения пользователь может редактировать и просматривать таблицы, перестраивать поля, проставлять индексы и триггеры, не теряя при этом данных.Также возможностями программы предусмотрено отображение и редактирование информации в сетке, в том числе BLOB и поля с графическими данными. Приложение распознает данные в форматах BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF и ICO. Для редактирования BLOB предназначен встроенный редактор HEX. SQLite Expert Professional предоставляет пользователям широкие возможности – от создания простых запросов SQL до разработки многоуровневых баз данных.Системные требования:Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10Торрент SQLite Expert Professional управление базами данных RePack (& Portable) by elchupacabra подробно:Основные возможности:·Редактирование и просмотр таблиц·Легкое перестроение полей, индексов, триггеров, не теряя при этом данные, находящиеся в таблице·Построение SQL скриптов и генерация визуального просмотра с помощью встроенного инструмента Query Builder·Создание SQLite3 баз данных, просмотр и изменение параметров баз данных, проверка целостности данных·Легкая передача данных между базами данных SQLite·Импорт и экспорт данных из SQL скриптов или данных ADO источников·Отображение и редактирование данных в сетке, включая BLOB и графические поля с изображениями·Поддержка форматов BMP, JPG, GIF, ICO и PNG для отображения в графических полях·Запуск SQL запросов и отображение результатов в виде сетки или текстаОсобенности RePack’a:·Совмещённые в одном дистрибутиве установка программы или распаковка портативной (portable app формат) версии·Не требует регистрации (ключ)·Язык интерфейса английский·Возможность подхвата и автокопирования пользовательского файла настроек программы Settings.jsonПараметры командной строки:·»Тихая» установка с ключами /SILENT или /VERYSILENT (или файлом «Silent Install.cmd»)·Для «Тихой» установки портативной версии дополнительный ключ /PORTABLE=1 (или файлом «Unpack Portable.cmd»)Примечание!!! Во время установки будет предложено посетить сайт автора RePack’a. Снимаем галочку по желанию.

Скриншоты SQLite Expert Professional управление базами данных RePack (& Portable) by elchupacabra торрент:

Скачать SQLite Expert Professional управление базами данных RePack (& Portable) by elchupacabra через торрент:

sqlite-expert-professional-5_3_5_476-repack-portable-by-elchupacabra.torrent (cкачиваний: 47)

Using MSVC for Windows systems

On Windows, all applicable build products can be compiled with MSVC.
First open the command prompt window associated with the desired compiler
version (e.g. «Developer Command Prompt for VS2013»). Next, use NMAKE
with the provided «Makefile.msc» to build one of the supported targets.

For example, from the parent directory of the source subtree named «sqlite»:

There are several build options that can be set via the NMAKE command
line. For example, to build for WinRT, simply add «FOR_WINRT=1» argument
to the «sqlite3.dll» command line above. When debugging into the SQLite
code, adding the «DEBUG=1» argument to one of the above command lines is

SQLite does not require Tcl to run, but a Tcl installation
is required by the makefiles (including those for MSVC). SQLite contains
a lot of generated code and Tcl is used to do much of that code generation.

Compiling for Unix-like systems

First create a directory in which to place
the build products. It is recommended, but not required, that the
build directory be separate from the source directory. Cd into the
build directory and then from the build directory run the configure
script found at the root of the source tree. Then run «make».

For example:

See the makefile for additional targets.

The configure script uses autoconf 2.61 and libtool. If the configure
script does not work out for you, there is a generic makefile named
«Makefile.linux-gcc» in the top directory of the source tree that you
can copy and edit to suit your needs. Comments on the generic makefile
show what changes are needed.

SQLite3 manager LITE

Сайт производителя: http://www.pool-magic.net/sqlite-manager.htm

Цена: .

Критерий Оценка (от 0 до 2)
Функциональность 2
Цена 2
Работа с UTF-8
Русский интерфейс
Удобство 1
Итог 5

По сравнению с предыдущей программой “SQLite3 manager LITE” выглядит более функциональным. Кроме того, что можно просто просматривать данные в таблицах, также можно просматривать и создавать триггеры, индексы, представления и т.д. Дополнительно можно экспортировать все мета-данные базы данных. При этом можно создавать файлы с данными для экспорта таблиц в Paradox и Interbase.

Также в программе была предпринята попытка зделать, что-то вроде визуального мастера создания запросов наподобие MS Access, но, на мой взгляд, попытка успехом не увенчалась.

У бесплатной версии есть один недостаток – не понимает данные в кодировке UTF-8. Есть, конечно, возможность указать кодировку базы данных при открытии файла, но в списке кодировок UTF-8 отсутствует. Как работает Full-версия программы я так и не увидел, т.к. на сайте производителя чёрт ногу сломит. Висит какой-то непонятный javascript, выводящий непонятную инфу. В общем, сложилось впечатление, что проект успешно заглох.

How It All Fits Together

SQLite is modular in design.
See the architectural description
for details. Other documents that are useful in
(helping to understand how SQLite works include the
file format description,
the virtual machine that runs
prepared statements, the description of
how transactions work, and
the overview of the query planner.

Years of effort have gone into optimizating SQLite, both
for small size and high performance. And optimizations tend to result in
complex code. So there is a lot of complexity in the current SQLite
implementation. It will not be the easiest library in the world to hack.

Key files:

  • sqlite.h.in — This file defines the public interface to the SQLite
    library. Readers will need to be familiar with this interface before
    trying to understand how the library works internally.

  • sqliteInt.h — this header file defines many of the data objects
    used internally by SQLite. In addition to «sqliteInt.h», some
    subsystems have their own header files.

  • parse.y — This file describes the LALR(1) grammar that SQLite uses
    to parse SQL statements, and the actions that are taken at each step
    in the parsing process.

  • vdbe.c — This file implements the virtual machine that runs
    prepared statements. There are various helper files whose names
    begin with «vdbe». The VDBE has access to the vdbeInt.h header file
    which defines internal data objects. The rest of SQLite interacts
    with the VDBE through an interface defined by vdbe.h.

  • where.c — This file (together with its helper files named
    by «where*.c») analyzes the WHERE clause and generates
    virtual machine code to run queries efficiently. This file is
    sometimes called the «query optimizer». It has its own private
    header file, whereInt.h, that defines data objects used internally.

  • btree.c — This file contains the implementation of the B-Tree
    storage engine used by SQLite. The interface to the rest of the system
    is defined by «btree.h». The «btreeInt.h» header defines objects
    used internally by btree.c and not published to the rest of the system.

  • pager.c — This file contains the «pager» implementation, the
    module that implements transactions. The «pager.h» header file
    defines the interface between pager.c and the rest of the system.

  • os_unix.c and os_win.c — These two files implement the interface
    between SQLite and the underlying operating system using the run-time
    pluggable VFS interface.

  • shell.c.in — This file is not part of the core SQLite library. This
    is the file that, when linked against sqlite3.a, generates the
    «sqlite3.exe» command-line shell. The «shell.c.in» file is transformed
    into «shell.c» as part of the build process.

  • tclsqlite.c — This file implements the Tcl bindings for SQLite. It
    is not part of the core SQLite library. But as most of the tests in this
    repository are written in Tcl, the Tcl language bindings are important.

  • test*.c — Files in the src/ folder that begin with «test» go into
    building the «testfixture.exe» program. The testfixture.exe program is
    an enhanced Tcl shell. The testfixture.exe program runs scripts in the
    test/ folder to validate the core SQLite code. The testfixture program
    (and some other test programs too) is build and run when you type
    «make test».

  • ext/misc/json1.c — This file implements the various JSON functions
    that are build into SQLite.

There are many other source files. Each has a succinct header comment that
describes its purpose and role within the larger system.


SQLite3 даёт множество преимуществ в отличии от других СУБД. Множество фрэймворков таких как Django, Ruby on Rails и web2py по умолчанию используют SQLite3. Многие браузеры используют данный инструмент для хранения локальных данных. Так же она используется в качестве хранилища данных таких ОС как Android и Windows Phone 8.

Для работы с SQLite3 можно воспользоваться и программами с графическим интерфейсом. К примеру: DB Browser for SQLite и SQLiteStudio. Для тренировки работы с SQL можете поиграть с SQL Fiddle.

Данный урок может помочь стартовать с SQLite3. Для взаимодействия с данным СУБД в PHP можем воспользоваться расширением PDO.

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