Яху (yahoo): крупнейшая поисковая система в мире (уже на русском)
Особенности ранжирования
Поиск Yahoo! использовал собственные примитивные алгоритмы только на заре развития интернета, и то слишком активно
Минимальное внимание к качеству ранжирования пытались компенсировать набором ярких каталогов и сайтов. Именно на таких площадках Yahoo! размещал свои многочисленные баннеры
Разработчики считали, что качественный поиск снизит время пребывания на портале, и рекламу увидит меньше людей. Со временем один из владельцев сервиса признался, что этот бизнес имел все признаки классической финансовой пирамиды. Это легко объяснить. В эпоху первого бурного развития интернета инвесторы охотно вкладывались в интернет-проекты. Последние готовы были платить большие деньги за рекламу, чтобы привлечь трафик. А уверенный поток пользователей в то время можно было получить только с помощью Yahoo! — альтернативы не было до появления «умного» поиска от Google. Сегодня всё кардинально изменилось. Сейчас в поиске «Яху» используются передовые алгоритмы Bing, поэтому к качеству выдачи нет претензий даже у требовательных пользователей.
News For You
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
CBS News Videos
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
CBS News Videos
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
News For You
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
CBS News Videos
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
CBS News Videos
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Yahoo Sports
Disney announced in August that all employees were required to get vaccinated against COVID-19 «with certain limited exceptions.»
Yahoo Sports
Disney announced in August that all employees were required to get vaccinated against COVID-19 «with certain limited exceptions.»
Как получить почтовый ящик на Yahoo!
Чтобы начать пользоваться одним из самых популярных в мире сервисов электронной почты, нужно потратить только пару минут времени. Процедура бесплатна и понятна даже для начинающих. По сути, процесс не отличается от аналогичной процедуры регистрации на других крупных почтовых сервисах. Сразу после завершения регистрации юзер может импортировать и синхронизировать данные с другими своими электронными почтовыми ящиками. В левом верхнем углу страницы располагаются стандартные кнопки и папки с письмами, а в правой части находится «шестерёнка» с настройками — долго привыкать к новому интерфейсу точно не придется.
Яхоо на русском языке
В 2010 году была запущена версия Яху, адаптированная для русского пользователя.
Теперь стали удобны и понятны все услуги развлекательного портала – также появились новости из российских источников и множество других возможностей, как, например, популярный аукцион японских товаров.
И все-таки наибольший интерес представляет обновленная бесплатная почта с вместительностью аж в 1 Тб корреспонденции.
Чтобы получить доступ к возможностям портала Яхоо, нужно пройти несложную регистрацию. Это, правда, очень быстро и вот уже буквально через 2 минуты, вы можете использовать ящик по назначению.
Вы сразу же можете импортировать свои контакты из других самых популярных почтовых сервисов и социальных сетей:
Таким образом выглядит рабочий интерфейс почты, а поиск можно заметить тут же в верхней части страницы.
Также в левом верхнем углу есть небольшие значки для переключения между разделами – «Почта», «Контакты», «Ежедневник», «Messenger», версия «Yahoo Mail для мобильных устройств».
В «Настройках», которые традиционно расположены в правом углу интерфейса, можно задавать основные параметры, здесь же – темы для оформления.
С апреля 2013 года пользователи почты имеют возможность пользоваться интегрированным облачным хранилищем Dropbox, так что стало возможно обмениваться файлами, превышающими допустимый предел при работе с ящиком.
Теперь, обратимся непосредственно к поисковой машине. Надо сказать, что успехом Yahoo стал детальный подход к разработке каталога данных, он создавался вручную не одним десятков специалистов.
Обширная база данных включает более миллиона проиндексированных страниц.
При этом если не удается найти информацию из их числа, Yahoo обращается к данным Google – ранее такую преемственность было решено прекратить, но, видимо, пока данное положение остается самым удобным для владельцев.
Поисковая система на русском просматривает отечественную базу данных, в том числе новостные ресурсы, первыми из которых были «РИА Новости», РБК, «Газета.ру», а также спортивный портал «Sports.ru».
News For You
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
CBS News Videos
Early voting indicates massive turnout in California recall election
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
CBS News Videos
Early voting indicates massive turnout in California recall election
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
News For You
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
Business Insider
Business Insider
Репутация — не самая сильная сторона поискового сервиса
В завершение материала нужно вспомнить о том, что Yahoo! неоднократно фигурировала в громких скандалах, связанных с нарушением конфиденциальности. Так, представители сервиса однажды были вынуждены подтвердить, что они слишком тщательно анализировали историю поиска и почтовую активность пользователей. Понятно, что такие обвинения не способствуют доверию. С другой стороны, сегодня успешно работают и развиваются крупные поисковые системы и социальные сети, которые тоже были замешаны в аналогичных скандалах. Корпорации оправдываются тем, что они собирают персональные данные только для того, чтобы сделать рекламу более подходящей и качественной. Эта проблема уже не так резко воспринимается, кроме того, она не ассоциируется только с поиском от Yahoo!.
Как убрать поиск Yahoo из браузеров
В ноябре 2014 года стало известно, что Firefox прервал свой десятилетний контракт с Google и теперь в качестве поисковой системе в браузере используется Yahoo как приоритетный поисковик.
Договор заключили на ближайшие пять лет с возможной пролонгацией.
Если вам надоела назойливая реклама, на которую вас постоянно перенаправляют, засоряется система компьютера или регулярно меняется домашняя страница, удалите поисковик самостоятельно.
Теперь возникает вопрос – как удалить поиск? Начните с того, чтобы закрыть все браузеры, далее нужно зайти в «Пуск» и выбрать категорию «Панель управления».
Далее все происходит очень просто – мы находим Yahoo Toolbar в подкатегории «Удаление программ» и выбираем опцию «Удалить», станется провести процесс деинсталляции и все готово.
Другое дело, как убрать поиск, если в браузере установлено расширение.
Пример для Firefox – в правом углу находится кнопка Меню, нажимаем ее и переходим в раздел «Дополнения».
Здесь вы найдете расширение Yahoo, которое останется только удалить, после чего браузер перезапускается.
Yahoo имеет большие перспективы и неустанно доказывает свою состоятельность на протяжении вот уже более чем 20 лет существования.
А российские пользователи смогли бы оценить возможности обновленного портала при условии его русификации.
News For You
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
Twitter users pounced on Trump’s strange comment about the Civil War loser.
Business Insider
Business Insider
News For You
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
At an unusual North Korean parade showcasing military dogs and virus workers in orange hazmat suits, leader Kim Jong Un still stood out by looking thinner and more energetic than he has in years.
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
NY Daily News
A convicted murderer’s second chance at life was cut short this week by a hitman in Hasidic garb who blasted him in the back of the head in a shocking Queens execution caught on surveillance video. Victim Jermaine Dixon — a former member of the “Patio Crew” in Brooklyn — had been out of federal prison for less than a year when the disguised gunman struck on Monday, killing the reformed …
Steelers Wire
T.J. Watt’s wallet is going to be a little bit lighter after he signs historic contract extension — if big bro J.J. Watt has anything to say about it.
Steelers Wire
T.J. Watt’s wallet is going to be a little bit lighter after he signs historic contract extension — if big bro J.J. Watt has anything to say about it.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
Dakota Johnson’s Butt Is A In A Sheer Gown At The Venice Film Festival
She does Pilates, yoga-inspired moves, and cardio for all-over tone.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
E! News
Kathryn Prescott, known for TV roles on Skins and Finding Carter, underwent surgery after she was hit by a cement mixer in NYC on Sept. 7, according to her sister’s Instagram message.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Janine Hoskovec, of Arizona, is now out of a job after she was filmed coughing on a mother and daughter The post Nebraska ‘Karen’ deliberately coughing at shoppers gets fired from job appeared first on TheGrio.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
Fans were quick to praise her for keeping it real, but the reality star took the images down.
CBS News Videos
Early voting indicates massive turnout in California recall election
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.
CBS News Videos
Early voting indicates massive turnout in California recall election
As of September 8, nearly 7 million voters have cast their ballots in California’s governor recall election. The special election is generating an unusual turnout for off-year races. CBS News’ deputy director of elections and data analytics Kabir Khanna joins CBSN’s Lana Zak with his analysis.