


If ZDoom starts but immediately closes with the following messages in the terminal:

Init Playloop state.
Setting up sound.
Checking network game status.
player 1 of 1 (1 nodes)

This usually indicates that FMOD Ex is not loading correctly (and ZDoom is configured to use FMOD by default). There are then two solutions.

You could start ZDoom without music:

zdoom -nomusic

or you could select (in the ZDoom settings) a MIDI device other than FMOD. To change MIDI device, go to the sound options menu.

  • OPL synth emulation can work out of the box without further configuration.
  • To install TiMidity++:
sudo apt-get install timidity timidity-interfaces-extra
yast2 -i timidity or zypper in timidity
sudo emerge -avn timidity++

See the software synthesizer article for further information about ZDoom’s MIDI devices.

New bosses[edit]

Bruiser demon
Named after the bruiser brothers, and the penultimate boss of the game with 3000 hit points. They are dark orange-skinned, black-legged, with glowing red eyes, black horns on their upper body, and have three methods of attack: (1) a large, powerful, trailing fireball, (2) a volley of seven to fourteen smaller fireballs, and (3) a floor-hugging barrage of exploding fire similar to that of the Maulotaur.
The Deimos Guardian / Magmantis
A massive, devil-like entity with two sets of arms. It rises out of a pool of lava immediately in front of the portal to the Shores of Hell, and creates red, swirling pools of energy above its head that shoot projectiles at its target, or spawn Lost Souls. It will also spawn Imps around the pool of lava. It has 15000 hit points (five times that of a Spider Mastermind) so the player is provided with a health bar to keep track of its remaining health.

Install dependencies

ZDoom needs certain tools and development files in order to compile:

  • Required

    • gcc 4.8 or later
    • make
    • cmake 2.8.7 or later
    • SDL 2.0.2 or later
    • Mesa (if compiling GZDoom) or any other GL implementation provider. Compile GZDoom on Linux
  • Recommended

    • GTK3 or GTK2
    • git (needed in order to download the source and compile in commit meta data)
    • nasm 0.98.39 or later (x86-32 only)
  • Optional

    • zlib (ZDoom has a copy of it and will be statically compiled in if not found)
    • libbzip2 (possibly static)
    • libjpeg (possibly static)
    • libgme or game-music-emu (possibly static)
    • wildmidi (possibly static)
  • Runtime

    • gxmessage (optional — needed to show the crash log in a window)
    • kdialog (optional — for KDE users)
    • fluidsynth or timidity (optional — for MIDI playback)

In addition to or instead of FMOD, OpenAL can be used for sound in which case the following are required:

  • libmpg123
  • libsndfile


sudo apt-get install g++ make cmake libsdl2-dev git zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
libjpeg-dev libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev libopenal-dev libmpg123-dev \
libsndfile1-dev libwildmidi-dev libgtk-3-dev timidity nasm tar chrpath


dnf install gcc-c++ make cmake SDL2-devel git zlib-devel bzip2-devel \
libjpeg-turbo-devel fluidsynth-devel game-music-emu-devel openal-soft-devel \
libmpg123-devel libsndfile-devel wildmidi-devel gtk3-devel timidity++ nasm tar \


(Tumbleweed and Leap 15+):

zypper si -d gzdoom
zypper in gcc-c++ make


zypper install gcc-c++ make cmake libSDL2-devel git zlib-devel libbz2-devel \
libjpeg-devel fluidsynth-devel libgme-devel openal-soft-devel mpg123-devel \
libsndfile-devel gtk3-devel timidity nasm tar chrpath


a='' &&  && a=64
urpmi gcc-c++ make cmake lib${a}sdl2.0-devel git lib${a}zlib-devel \
lib${a}bzip2-devel lib${a}jpeg-devel lib${a}fluidsynth-devel lib${a}gme-devel \
lib${a}openal-devel lib${a}mpg123-devel lib${a}sndfile-devel lib${a}wildmidi-devel \
lib${a}gtk+3.0-devel lib${a}cairo-devel TiMidity++ nasm tar chrpath

Arch Linux

pacman -S --needed gcc make cmake sdl2 git zlib bzip2 libjpeg-turbo fluidsynth \
libgme openal mpg123 libsndfile wildmidi gtk3 timidity++ nasm tar fmodex chrpath


emerge -avn sys-devel/gcc sys-devel/make dev-util/cmake media-libs/libsdl2 \
dev-vcs/git sys-libs/zlib app-arch/bzip2 media-libs/libjpeg-turbo media-sound/fluidsynth \
media-libs/game-music-emu media-libs/openal media-sound/mpg123 media-libs/libsndfile \
media-sound/wildmidi x11-libs/gtk+ media-sound/timidity++ dev-lang/nasm app-arch/tar \


a='' &&  && a=64
apt-get install gcc-c++ make cmake lib${a}sdl2.0-devel git zlib1-devel \
lib${a}bzip2-devel lib${a}jpeg62-devel lib${a}fluidsynth1-devel lib${a}openal-devel \
lib${a}mpg123-devel lib${a}sndfile-devel lib${a}gtk+3.0-devel TiMidity++ nasm tar \


sudo eopkg install g++ make cmake binutils glibc-devel pkg-config sdl2-devel \
git zlib-devel bzip2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel fluidsynth-devel openal-soft-devel \
mpg123-devel libsndfile-devel wildmidi-devel libgtk-3-devel nasm tar chrpath

Do the following sections as normal user.


If you want to backup GZDoom, do the following:

Create and name a directory with the corresponding GZDoom version/revision, build type and copy gzdoom, gzdoom.pk3, lights.pk3, brightmaps.pk3, game_support.pk3 and game_widescreen_gfx.pk3 to it. If you compiled GZDoom 2.x or older versions with FMOD sound support, copy liboutput_sdl.so to the destination directory.

cd ~/gzdoom_build/gzdoom/build &&
if ; then
k="$(sed -n 's/.*CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=\(.*\)/\1/p' CMakeCache.txt)"; else k=''; fi &&
if ; then b="-BuildType$k"; else b=''; fi &&
BACKUPGZDOOM="../../$(sed -n 's/.*#define GIT_DESCRIPTION "\(.*\)".*/\1/p' ../src/gitinfo.h)$b" &&
mkdir -pv "$BACKUPGZDOOM" &&
o=output_sdl/liboutput_sdl.so && if ; then l="$o"; else l=''; fi &&
if ; then p=game_support.pk3; else p=zd_extra.pk3; fi &&
cp -v gzdoom gzdoom.pk3 lights.pk3 brightmaps.pk3 game_widescreen_gfx.pk3 $p $l \

Files are located at:

/home/<your username>/gzdoom_build/<your newly created directory>


cd ~/gzdoom_build/gzdoom &&
git show c219811a542e0d6aae38b920ae9e257c5c2286c1

consider GZDoom as licensed under the GPL, therefore; the following is unnecessary but will be keep in this tutorial for the users who still need to use GZDoom 2.x or older versions: , liboutput_sdl.so, the FMOD library file, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the CMake variables NO_FMOD, FMOD_LIBRARY and FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR.

The minimum requirement for GZDoom 2.2 and later is OpenGL 2.0, so if you get the following error:

Unsupported OpenGL version.

At least OpenGL 2.0 is required to run GZDoom.

you will have to use instead. Keep in mind that this version is several years old and no longer maintained. It will also have problems with more recent actively maintained mods.

ZDoom Specific Questions

Q. How do I do X?

A. Before asking a question regarding editing or editing ZDoom, browse this Wiki and try to find your answer. If you still cannot find anything post on the forums.

Q. Will ZDoom implement true-color or OpenGL graphics?

A. Randy considers true-color graphics a low priority. On DirectX-capable systems, 2D rendering (menus, HUD elements including HUD weapon sprites) are already in true-color. However, 3D rendering (including all other sprites) remains paletted. However, OpenGL graphics have already been implemented in some source ports derived from ZDoom.

Q. Cajun bots are too stupid. Why?

A. Not enough effort was put into the Cajun bots to make them more versatile. Randy has no current plans to fix or improve the bot code. See the bots article for more information.

Please do not make bot-specific feature requests or bug reports on the forums. They will be immediately closed without consideration.

Q. ZDoom will not run on my system. Why?

A. There are several factors contributing to this. Here is one:

If you are running on a laptop with an ATI Rage Mobility video card, you must lower your graphics acceleration settings in Windows.

If you have any other issue that is specific to your system, you can try asking for help in the . Chances are, if you are having problems, somebody there can help you, and you may end up contributing to ZDoom’s development by reporting a previously unknown bug.

Q. I found a bug in ZDoom! What should I do?

A. First of all, make sure you are using the of GZDoom. Try also the latest development build to see if it has been fixed already. If the bug is still there, head over to the , search the forum to see if a similar bug has not been found and then post a new topic if one is needed. Remember to include what you did to find the bug and what wads you were using at the time.


4.3.1 (Januray 5)
  • New softpoly backend for the hardware renderer.
  • The software renderer will start again on DX9 compatible hardware that doesn’t support OpenGL 3.3.
  • Advanced texture colorization options.
  • Scripted map post-processor.
  • Dictionary class for ZScript.
  • Reinstate 320×200 with the following caveat: it only functions outside of menus and console, and only when the dialogues and logs use the default font, the game will temporarily switch to 640×400 in these situations.
  • Add PSPF_PLAYERTRANSLATED flag (makes a PSprite layer translated to the user’s color).
  • Support for MIDI on Linux via alsa sequencer.
4.3.2 (Januray 12)
  • Add support for new Bethesda.Net Unity Edition WADs.
4.3.3 (Januray 20)
4.4.0 (June 7)
Release notes are not available yet. See the release thread for details.
4.4.1 (June 10)
4.4.2 (June 16)
  • Add «restart» button to error pane in Windows.
  • Made the new Build light mode operational.
4.5.0 (October 31)
  • For all of Doom’s fullscreen images there’s now widescreen versions provided. The other games are still being worked on and will be added later when they become available. All new images were created by Nash Muhandes — this does not use any of the versions from the Unity port.
  • A simplified options menu is now available for quick setup of the important settings.
  • New keybindings presets. Users can now choose between the classic layout and a WASD-based one.
  • Menu and intermission screen now scale to the original Doom.exe’s layout by default.
  • Major additions to the menu system — animated menu transitions, image slideshows and fixed size menus can now be created.
  • The console now uses the border flat as default background instead of the titlepic.
  • It is now possible to fully quit the fullscreen console and get back to the title loop.
  • Various enhancements and fixes for ZScript.
  • Interpolate positions and angles in the automap for smoother appearance.
  • Added $PitchSet <logical name> <float> for SNDINFO.
  • Allow indirections in the string table by prefixing the language string with ‘$$’ the remaining text is interpreted as another string label to resolve.
  • Optimization of the patch texture checker — do not read in the entire file if checking the initial header is sufficient for rejecting it. This can speed up loading of large mods quite significantly.
  • MIDS-format MIDI support.
  • OPUS support, courtesy of an updated libsndfile.
  • libADL/libOPN update.

Game modes

ZDoom supports three different multiplayer game modes. may also implement additional game modes, such as Capture The Flag or Domination.


Deathmatch is a multiplayer game style pioneered by Doom in which players face off against each other, connected to a common area via a network.

  • A point, called a frag, is granted to a player whenever he or she kills an opponent.
  • Upon death, players restart at a random deathmatch start.
  • Players spawn with all keys, and keys are never placed on the map (there is currently no clean way to circumvent this).

Team deathmatch

Team deathmatch is a variant of deathmatch where players are placed into two or more teams. Players score frags by killing members of opposing teams. Gameplay options allow to reduce or remove friendly fire damage.


Cooperative gameplay, often referred to as co-op or coop, is a multiplayer game mode in which human players cooperate against a given game’s monsters. Cooperative play is the default game mode if the -deathmatch parameter is not specified at the command line.

Install dependencies

GZDoom needs certain tools and development files in order to compile:

  • Required

    • gcc 4.8 or later
    • make
    • cmake 2.8.7 or later
    • SDL 2.0.2 or later
    • libGL and libGLU (SDL or libSDL pull in libGLU) or any other GL implementation provider.
  • Recommended

    • GTK3 or GTK2
    • git (needed in order to download the source and compile in commit meta data)
    • nasm 0.98.39 or later (x86-32 only)
  • Optional

    • zlib (GZDoom has a copy of it and will be statically compiled in if not found)
    • libbzip2 (possibly static)
    • libjpeg (possibly static)
    • libgme or game-music-emu (possibly static)
    • SDL 1.2.8 or later 1.2.x versions (for GZDoom 1.x)
    • libglew (for GZDoom 1.x)
  • Runtime

    • gxmessage (optional — needed to show the crash log in a window)
    • kdialog (optional — for KDE users)
    • fluidsynth (optional — for MIDI playback)

In addition to or instead of FMOD, OpenAL can be used for sound in which case the following are required:

  • libmpg123
  • libsndfile

Install the following as root/superuser:


sudo apt-get install g++ make cmake libsdl2-dev git zlib1g-dev \
libbz2-dev libjpeg-dev libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev libopenal-dev \
libmpg123-dev libsndfile1-dev libgtk-3-dev timidity nasm \
libgl1-mesa-dev tar libsdl1.2-dev libglew-dev


dnf install gcc-c++ make cmake SDL2-devel git zlib-devel bzip2-devel \
libjpeg-turbo-devel fluidsynth-devel game-music-emu-devel openal-soft-devel \
libmpg123-devel libsndfile-devel gtk3-devel timidity++ nasm \
mesa-libGL-devel tar SDL-devel glew-devel


a='' &&  && a=64
urpmi gcc-c++ make cmake lib${a}sdl2.0-devel git lib${a}zlib-devel \
lib${a}bzip2-devel lib${a}jpeg-devel lib${a}fluidsynth-devel \
lib${a}gme-devel lib${a}openal-devel lib${a}mpg123-devel lib${a}sndfile-devel \
lib${a}gtk+3.0-devel lib${a}cairo-devel TiMidity++ nasm \
lib${a}mesagl1-devel tar lib${a}SDL-devel lib${a}glew-devel

Arch Linux

pacman -S --needed gcc make cmake sdl2 git zlib bzip2 libjpeg-turbo \
fluidsynth libgme openal mpg123 libsndfile gtk3 timidity++ nasm \
mesa glu tar sdl glew


emerge -avn sys-devel/gcc sys-devel/make dev-util/cmake media-libs/libsdl2 \
dev-vcs/git sys-libs/zlib app-arch/bzip2 media-libs/libjpeg-turbo media-sound/fluidsynth \
media-libs/game-music-emu media-libs/openal media-sound/mpg123 media-libs/libsndfile \
x11-libs/gtk+ media-sound/timidity++ dev-lang/nasm media-libs/mesa \
media-libs/glu app-arch/tar media-libs/libsdl media-libs/glew

Update (29.12.2016):
Jacendi overlay has an ebuild for gzdoom

emerge -n layman
layman -a jacendi-overlay
emerge -av gzdoom


a='' &&  && a=64
apt-get install gcc-c++ make cmake lib${a}sdl2.0-devel git zlib1-devel \
lib${a}bzip2-devel lib${a}jpeg62-devel lib${a}fluidsynth1-devel lib${a}openal-devel \
lib${a}mpg123-devel lib${a}sndfile-devel lib${a}gtk+3.0-devel TiMidity++ nasm \
lib${a}mesagl1-devel tar lib${a}SDL-devel lib${a}glew-devel


sudo eopkg install g++ make cmake binutils glibc-devel pkg-config sdl2-devel \
git zlib-devel bzip2-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel fluidsynth-devel openal-soft-devel \
mpg123-devel libsndfile-devel libgtk-3-devel nasm mesalib-devel \
libglu-devel tar sdl1-devel glew-devel

Do the following sections as normal user.

General Questions

Q. What is ZDoom?

A. ZDoom is, essentially, an advanced source port for Doom. However it does not just support Doom/Doom II, it also has support for Heretic, Hexen, Strife and Chex Quest. Additionally, it has been used as a platform to develop entirely new games. For more information see ZDoom For Dummies or just browse the Wiki yourself.

Q. ZDoom or GZDoom

A. ZDoom is no longer in development, instead development continues with GZDoom. However, everything from ZDoom is included in GZDoom. Whenever this wiki mentions ZDoom, you can assume it concerns GZDoom as well; just like «Doom» is generally understood to be «Doom II» as well.

Q. Is it free?

A. ZDoom the port itself is free to download and use. However, you need a game to be able to play with it. See the IWAD page for a full list of supported games and where to find them.

Q. When will the next version of (G)ZDoom be out?

A. “When it’s done”. The development team has a life to live beyond (G)ZDoom believe it or not, so you should be patient. Asking on the forums will not help. In the meantime, you can use the unofficial SVN builds. They are linked to in the header of the Main Page. In addition, you should know that ZDoom is no longer in development so please get GZDoom instead.


The following files are mostly of historic interest.

This is the latest source code for ZDoom’s version of ACC. It includes both a makefile for GCC and a project file for Visual C++ 6, so you can build a Windows, DOS, or Linux version. It is also available on its .

This version of ACC is only if you’re old-school and using WadAuthor or a DOS-based editor like ZETH.

ZDoom supports using for MIDI playback. To use it, extract libfluidsynth.dll to the same directory as zdoom.exe and then configure it from within ZDoom. FluidSynth is bundled with GZDoom since v3.1.0, so this separate download is only useful for older versions.

ZDoom supports using for MIDI playback. To use it, extract timidity.exe and timidity.cfg and read the instructions. TiMidity++ has become an internal player integrated within GZDoom since v3.3.0, so this separate download is only useful for older versions.

This is the source code for ZDoom’s custom version of TiMidity++. Alternatively, a with the custom changes can be downloaded and applied on the original TiMidity++ source code.

Contains a wcf file for use with WadAuthor.

This is the source code for ZDBSP 1.19. The build system uses CMake, so you can generate project files for any version of Visual C++ from 6 up or several other IDEs, or you can create Makefiles as well. It is also available on its .

A DETH-based editor for ZDoom that runs in a DOS box. Comes with minimal documentation. If you don’t already know how to use DETH, you should go find a good that explains it. If you plan on doing any ACS scripting, you should be sure to also download ACC below.

This is the source code for ZETH. Hopefully somebody will find it useful.

Shows off some of the features that were new as of ZDoom 1.22.

Downloadable copy of the Editing Reference for offline viewing. This has only been updated for ZDoom 1.22. For ZDoom features added since then, you should consult the wiki documentation instead.

New monsters[edit]

Knee-Deep in ZDoom makes use of DECORATE to provide an array of new monsters, mostly close variants on the original cast of creatures. Several came from the Monster Resource WAD but with new art and small tweaks. Many of these creatures have subsequently been featured in other modifications and even ported to other content definition languages.

Blood Demon
A darker variant of the pinky demon with cybernetic enhancements and 300 hit points. Killing them causes their right arm to fall off.
These are mostly equivalent to the chaingunners from Doom 2 but with a new sprite set.
Chainsaw Zombie
A chainsaw-wielding zombie in a brown suit, with 30 hit points. Drops a chainsaw when killed.
Dark Imp
There are three variants of the Dark Imp, all of which have black skin and more hit points than regular Imps.
  1. The first variant looks like a regular Imp with black skin, yellow eyes and large fangs. They will fire blue homing balls of energy, and have 120 hit points.
  2. The second variant has thin, red eyes and skinny limbs, and 110 hit points. Its behavior is based off the Dark Imps from Skulltag, as it attacks with fast, blue balls of energy. Its death animation is slightly different to the regular Imps.
  3. The third variant has sunken, orange eyes, a wide mouth with many visible teeth and 130 hit points. Its behavior bears a resemblance to that of the Dark Imps from Mike «Cyb» Watson’s Void, which are basically reskinned undead warriors. They will shoot blue balls of magic/energy and also pink balls of energy that leave trails and do more damage. This variant also has an entirely unique death animation.
Demon Cube
A spinning cube with a demonic face on the sides, inspired by the guardian cubes from Demon Eclipse which themselves were monster versions of the spawn cubes. They shoot streams of small fireballs. 50 hit points.
Hell Knight
These are simply Hell knights from Doom 2 but with a new sprite set. They are now light-brown colored barons.
Hell’s Fury
Grey-skinned and grey-legged Hell nobles with a head that resembles the Lost Soul from Doom 0.4. They have two methods of attack: either hurling a highly-damaging red baron projectile or shooting homing yellow skulls out of the sides of their head.
Hell Warrior
Orange-skinned, tan-legged Hell nobles with lion manes, 400 hit points, and a shield that bears a resemblance to the floating eye symbol. They fling yellow baron projectiles, and occasionally defend themselves with their shield when they are hurt, temporarily becoming invulnerable. They may also fire a green ripping projectile from their shield. Killing them causes them to drop their shield (which you cannot pick up).
Mauler Demon
A dark red variant of the demon with Pain Elemental horns and a damaging charge attack and 150 hit points.
These Imp-like creatures appear totally invisible until they get up close, then they start clawing at you, and only then can they be hurt. They have 100 hit points.
Rapid-Fire Trooper
A zombieman with a rapid fire gun. They drop pistol clips when they are killed. 30 hit points.
Rifle Zombie
A shotgun guy-like zombie with brown stains on his armor. They shoot slow-moving bullets (that is, slow compared to hitscans) and drop rifles when they are killed. 40 hit points.
Rocket Guy
A zombieman with a rocket launcher. Their low health (50 hit points) and powerful weaponry makes it easy for them to kill themselves and other nearby monsters.
A small Hell noble with a goat-like head and dark brown skin and legs. They have 400 hit points and a powerful melee attack but no projectile attacks.
An Imp-like creature with a slouched posture, translucent grey skin, and large red eyes. It moves quickly, leaving a motion blur behind it. When it sights its target, it will stay positioned, hurling red balls of energy towards the target, until it is shot or until its target leaves its line of sight. Its behavior seems to be based off that of the Level 2 Imps from STRAIN. It has 80 hit points.
Soul Harvester
A spiky, grey-skinned, emaciated Imp-like creature with 100 hit points. Similar to Heretic’s nitrogolems, they shoot yellow homing skull projectiles at their target (the same projectiles as those used by Hell’s Fury). Killing them causes a yellow spirit to rise from their corpse as their bodies deteriorate into skeletons.
Stone Imp
A variant of Imp made from stone. It doesn’t bleed, has 180 hit points, a powerful melee attack, no projectile attacks. When it dies it splits and half and the legs fall backwards and the top falls forwards.


These tools support a few special editing and playing scenarios.

Merges your Doom IWADs (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Master Levels, etc.) into a single IWAD, allowing players to switch between games without relaunching.

A command-line utility that extracts the contents of a WAD to a (mostly) pk3-compatible folder structure. Useful for converting old mods or setting up advanced development workflows.

This is a command-line utility written by Graf Zahl to convert old-format MAPINFO lumps to new-format ones. See the for more information.

This package contains both a Windows binary and source code.

Includes the programs zwadconv, swantbls, and listacs. Zwadconv converts old maps to the Hexen format used by ZDoom natively. Swantbls creates SWITCHES and ANIMATED lumps used by BOOM. Listacs is an ACS script disassembler (not decompiler).

Doom 2D: Forever (2009)

Дум 2D — двумерная игра, основанная на трёхмерной войнушке дум. В дум 2D было перенесено все оружие и враги из дум, так же есть несколько новых видов монстров и супер оружие. С игрой распространялись карты для игры друг против друга и редактор, позволяющий создавать свои уровни. В дум могут играть двое человек за одной клавиатурой, при эт …

Год выпуска: 2009Жанр: Arcade (Platform)Разработчик: Prikol SoftwareИздательство: Prikol SoftwareСайт разработчика: http://doom2d.org/download/df/Язык интерфейса: русскийПлатформа: PCОперационная система: Windows XP/VistaПроцессор: 1.0 GHzОперативная память: 512 МбДополнительное программное обеспечение: DirectX 9.0

List of supported games[edit]

Classic Doom-engine IWADsedit

  • Doom v1.2 or later, including Ultimate Doom
  • Doom II; development versions even support the modified IWAD included as a bonus with Doom 3: BFG Edition
  • Final Doom
  • Heretic
  • Hexen
  • Strife, including both demo versions
  • Chex Quest

Stand-alone modsedit

  • Action Doom II: Urban Brawl
  • The Adventures of Square
  • Chex Quest 3
  • Hacx v1.2 or v2.0
  • Harmony
  • Hedon
  • Rise of the Wool Ball

In addition, ZDoom offers aliases that allow use of free IWAD projects Freedoom and Blasphemer as alternatives instead of replacements. See list of supported games at the ZDoom wiki for further information.

ZDoom wiki questions

What is this wiki thing for?

The wiki was created to be a repository of all information regarding editing and customization of ZDoom. For a more detailed explanation, check the ZDoom documentation project page.

How do I join the wiki?

If you only want to read the wiki, there isn’t really a reason to join. If you want to be helping the wiki, or you have information to share though, or you think you can write a good explanation of any of ZDoom’s features, hit the login page and create yourself a new account. As long as you don’t abuse the wiki you should have a long and fruitful new purpose in life.

How do I create new pages?

First of all, read the editing guidelines.

Then make sure the wiki doesn’t already contain the information you want to add.

There are two ways to add new pages to the wiki. If you want to create a new article from scratch, you should type this in your browser’s address bar:


Replace the title with the subject you wish to write about. You will then be given the option to edit this new article, which you should do so.

You may also occasionally see red links in the articles on this wiki, where people have linked to a topic that doesnt exist. If you are feeling brave, you can help out by filling in these blanks — just use common sense that you are able to write a worthwhile and helpful article on the topic in question, and also that the link is not just a spelling mistake or variation on an already existing topic. In those cases, it would be more useful to fix the link in question.

My page does not appear in the Category pages

If the ] tags (or categorizing templates) are correct on your article, yet the article is not listed on the corresponding category page, this is probably a caching issue. You can force the Category page to be refreshed by using the Purge action.

  1. Click on the Edit or View Source button. It changes the URL in the address bar from something like «wiki/Category:WADs_created_for_ZDoom» to something like «w/index.php?title=Category:WADs_created_for_ZDoom&action=edit».
  2. Click on your address bar and replace the action by «purge». So in our example it will be «w/index.php?title=Category:WADs_created_for_ZDoom&action=purge». Hit enter.
  3. You may get a page asking you to confirm the purge demand. Click on OK to do so. If you don’t get such a page, then don’t worry, it’s just auto-confirmed.
  4. It should now be solved.
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