Антивирусный сканер — malwarebytes premium repack by kpojiuk

Integrated Ransomware Protection

You don’t really expect ransomware to get past your antivirus. Indeed, Malwarebytes handily eliminated every single one of my ransomware samples before any could begin to execute. However, the potential consequences of a ransomware miss are staggering enough to merit a separate focus on ransomware protection.

In previous reviews, I managed to test ransomware protection in Malwarebytes by turning off all the other layers of protection. That chicanery was necessary, because otherwise, the main real-time protection system would wipe out the samples. With only ransomware protection active, that earlier version of Malwarebytes detected some samples based on behavior, but missed others, and of those, it did detect a few managed to encrypt some files before capture.

This time around, Malwarebytes didn’t catch any of my dozen ransomware samples. My company contact explained that the various layers are now more tightly integrated and can’t necessarily function alone. In fact, a user interface update is planned that will replace the four separate real-time protection layer toggles with a single on/off switch.

Of the antivirus products that include a ransomware-specific detection layer, some allow the approach I described above, turning all other layers off. Quite a few do not, however. With Trend Micro Antivirus+ Security, for example, turning off real-time protection also turns off behavior-based ransomware protection. It’s convenient for me when I can perform this sort of test, but it’s not a slam on the product if no such testing is possible.

The future of antiviruses and security programs

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are the latest stars in the top antivirus and anti-malware technology.

AI allows machines to perform tasks for which they are not specifically pre-programmed. AI does not blindly execute a limited set of commands. Rather, AI uses “intelligence” to analyze a situation, and take action for a given goal such as identifying signs of ransomware activity. ML is programming that’s capable of recognizing patterns in new data, then classifying the data in ways that teach the machine how to learn.

Put another way, AI focuses on building smart machines, while ML uses algorithms that allow the machines to learn from experience. Both these technologies are a perfect fit for cybersecurity, especially since the number and variety of threats coming in every day are too overwhelming for signature-based methods or other manual measures. Both AI and ML are still in developmental phases, but they hold immense promise.

In fact, at Malwarebytes, we already use a machine-learning component that detects malware that’s never been seen before in the wild, also known as zero-days or zero-hours. Other components of our software perform behavior-based, heuristic detections—meaning they may not recognize a particular code as malicious, but they have determined that a file or website is acting in a way that it shouldn’t. This tech is based on AI/ML and is available to our users both with top antivirus protection and an on-demand scanner.

In the case of business IT professionals with multiple endpoints to secure, the heuristic approach is especially important. We never know the next big malware threat, so heuristics play an important role in Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection, as does AI and ML. Together, they create multiple layers of antivirus protection that address all stages of the attack chain for both known and unknown threats.

Настройки Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Для выбора настроек антивируса, необходимо будет перейти во вкладку «Настройки». Во вкладке «Настройки», в левой колонке расположены несколько разделов, с помощью которых вы можете самостоятельно настроить антивирус, если вас не устраивают настройки по умолчанию.

Следует учитывать то, что антивирус Malwarebytes Anti-Malware уже оптимально настроен по умолчанию.

В разделе «Исключения» вы можете настроить параметры, для исключения конкретных папок или файлов, при обнаружении вредоносных программ. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware не будет проверять данные папки и файлы, добавленные в исключения, во время сканирования вашего компьютера на вирусы. В исключения будут добавлено все содержимое данной папки (подпапки, файлы и прочее).

С помощью кнопок «Добавить файл» и «Добавить папку» можно будет добавить необходимые данные в исключения, а с помощью кнопки «Удалить», вы можете удалить данную папку или файл из исключений.

В разделе «Веб исключения», можно будет добавить IP адреса, домены, или программы для исключения при проверке Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. При помощи кнопок «Добавить IP», «Добавить домен», «Добавить процесс» можно будет добавить конкретные данные в веб исключения, а при помощи кнопки «Удалить», удалить эти данные из веб исключений.

Данная опция доступна только для платной версии программы.

В разделе «Обнаружения и защита» настраивается настройка обнаружения и поведение защиты Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. По умолчанию, эти настройки уже оптимально настроены. Опытные пользователи могут подкорректировать данные настройки по своему усмотрению.

Здесь можно будет активировать пункт «Проверять на наличие руткитов» для боле полной проверки своего компьютера.

В разделе «Настройки обновления» можно будет настроить настройки обновления Malwarebytes Anti-Malware на своем компьютере.

При помощи вкладки «Настройки истории» вы можете получить доступ к логам программы, если вам будут необходимы эти данные для последующего анализа.

В разделе «Политика доступа» можно будет управлять уровнями доступа к различным параметрам и функциям Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Данная функция работает в платной версии антивируса.

В разделе «Расширенные настройки» можно будет изменить настройки поведения защиты Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Без особой необходимости, что-либо изменять в этом разделе, не рекомендуется, так как эти настройки предназначены для опытных пользователей.

Данные настройки будут доступны в платной версии антивирусной программы.

Раздел «Планировщик задач» служит для создания и настройки задач для Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Вы можете использовать эти функции в платной версии программы.

После ознакомления с настройками приложения, можно будет запустить проверку своего компьютера на вирусы.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity, or computer security, is a catchall term for any strategy for protecting one’s system from malicious attacks, including both antiviruses and anti-malware. These attacks often aim to do things like hold your computer hostage, steal system resources (as in a botnet), record your passwords and usernames, and a whole host of other bad things. Such attacks might occur via your hardware (like a backdoor) or through your software (like an exploit).

Cybersecurity threats and their countermeasures are varied and nuanced nowadays, but the marketplace naturally strives for simplicity when communicating to consumers. This is why many people still see “viruses” as the biggest threat to their computer security. In reality, computer viruses are just one type of cyberthreat that happened to be popular when computers were in their infancy. They’re far from the most common threat today, but the name stuck. It’s a bit like calling every disease a cold.

“For the most part, antivirus and anti-malware mean the same thing. They both refer to software designed to detect, protect against, and remove malicious software.”

Layers of Protection

Malwarebytes includes limited signature-based detection as one of its many layers, but relies heavily on more modern forms of detection. Web protection blocks traffic to known dangerous addresses, whether by the browser or by a malicious application. Ransomware protection watches for the behaviors that occur when an unknown program is getting ready to encrypt your files. It should catch even a zero-day ransomware attack, with no need to recognize anything but behaviors that suggest ransomware.

Exploit attacks take advantage of security holes in popular applications, using the security vulnerability to take control. Even if you keep your operating system and programs patched, there’s always a window when the vulnerability is known, but not yet patched. Malwarebytes shields several dozen popular applications against attack. This is a generalized protection against exploit behaviors, not protection against specific exploits.

For a view of what exploit protection means, click the Security tab in the Settings window and click the Advanced Settings button at the bottom. This opens the Anti-Exploit settings window, which warns that you should not change anything here except when instructed by a tech support expert. Look, but don’t touch. You’ll learn that Malwarebytes does things like enforce DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization). It blocks attacks that use ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) and prevents attacks on system memory. The array of features here is dizzying.

Malwarebytes offers the free Browser Guard security plug-in for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox when you install the free or Premium product. When I tested it with Malwarebytes Free, it proved very effective at steering the browser away from fraudulent (phishing) URLs and pages that host malware. If you use Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, be sure to install this useful extension.

How Much Does Malwarebytes Premium Cost?

Some companies assign a new product version every year, while others eschew product version numbers completely. The release of version 4 in 2019 was the first whole-number update since version 3 in 2016. Version 2 came out a couple of years before that. The current version, reviewed here, is Malwarebytes Premium 4.3.

Like Webroot, Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Trend Micro, and several others, Malwarebytes costs $39.99 per year to protect one Windows or macOS device. For $79.99 per year, you can protect five devices. Sophos Home Premium goes for rather less; $50 per year lets you install it on up to 10 devices (Windows or macOS). And with McAfee, you pay $59.99 per year to protect every Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS device in your household.

How does anti-malware work?

The old school method of signature-based threat detection is effective to a degree, but modern anti-malware also detects threats using newer methods that look for malicious behavior. To put it another way, signature-based detection is a bit like looking for a criminal’s fingerprints. It’s a great way to identify a threat, but only if you know what their fingerprints look like. Modern anti-malware takes detection a step further so it can identify threats it has never seen before. By analyzing a program’s structure and behavior, it can detect suspicious activity. Keeping with the analogy, it’s a bit like noticing that one person always hangs out in the same places as known criminals and has a lock pick in his pocket.

This newer, more effective cybersecurity technology is called heuristic analysis. “Heuristics” is a term researchers coined for a strategy that detects threats by analyzing the program’s structure, its behavior, and other attributes.

Each time a heuristic anti-malware program scans an executable file, it scrutinizes the program’s overall structure, programming logic, and data. All the while, it looks for things like unusual instructions or junk code. In this way, it assesses the likelihood that the program contains malware. What’s more, a big plus for heuristics is its ability to detect malware in files and boot records before the malware has a chance to run and infect your computer. In other words, heuristics-enabled anti-malware is proactive, not reactive.

Some anti-malware products can also run the suspected malware in a sandbox, which is a controlled environment in which the security software can determine whether a program is safe to deploy or not. Running malware in a sandbox lets the anti-malware look at what the software does, the actions it performs, and whether it tries to hide itself or compromise your computer.

Another way heuristic analytics helps keep users safe is by analyzing web page characteristics in order to identify risky sites that might contain exploits. If it recognizes something fishy, it blocks the site.

In brief, signature-based anti-malware is like a bouncer at the nightclub door, carrying a thick book of mug shots and booting anyone that matches. Heuristic analysis is the bouncer who looks for suspicious behavior, pats people down, and sends home the ones carrying a weapon.

“Heuristics is a term researchers coined for a strategy that detects viruses by analyzing the program’s structure, its behavior, and other attributes.”

Антивирус — Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium DC 19.05.2017 RePack by KpoJIuK

Многоязычная зарегистрированная версия!Обновленная версия с цифровой подписью от 15.05.2017 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware — новая версия программы от создателей RogueRemover Pro, AboutBuster и других популярных утилит, способная находить и удалять разнообразные вредоносные программы. Программа использует эвристический метод сканирования, способный в реальном времени контролировать безопасность системы в целом. Также имеется возможность полного сканирования всех дисков. Помимо этого, в состав данной программы входят дополнительные утилиты, предназначенные для удаления вредоносных программ вручную. Приложение обладает интуитивно понятным пользовательским интерфейсом с многоязычной поддержкой, включая поддержку русского языка. Системные требования:Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 (32-bit & 64-bit)Торрент Антивирус — Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium DC 19.05.2017 RePack by KpoJIuK подробно:Быстрое сканированиеПолное сканирование всех ваших дисковСобственный модуль защиты системыЕжедневное обновление базыНастройки по оптимизации производительности программыНебольшой список дополнительных утилит для удаления вредоносных программ вручнуюМультиязычность, включая русский языкСовместная работа с другими подобными программами (Anti-Malware, Anti-Spyware и т.д.)Простой пользовательский интерфейсПоддержка командной строкиИнтеграция в контекстное меню, для проверки по требованиюИзменения в версии capabilityMultiple enhancements result in reduction of memory usageFaster load time and responsiveness of third-party applicationsImproved performance of Web ProtectionFaster Malwarebytes 3 program startup time and responsiveness of user interfaceNew detection and protection layer with machine learning based anomaly detection (to be deployed gradually even if it shows «enabled» under Settings)Improved Self-Protection by requiring escalated privileges to disable protections or deactivate a licenseEnhanced malware protection techniques and remediation capabilitiesAdded an automatic monthly scheduled scan in Free modeUsabilityAdded ability to control the priority of manual scans on the systemAdded setting to turn off ‘Real-Time Protection turned off’ notifications when protection was specifically disabled by the userAdded ability to exclude the last website blocked by Web Protection via the tray menuFixed several defects related to configuring Custom Scans, including selecting child folders and fixing issues with touch screensFixed problem where a right-click context scan appeared broken after scheduled scan due to misleading «Cannot start a scan while another one is in progress» messageFixed issue where you could not add or edit a scheduled scan in Spanish and some other languagesFixed issue where scan could appear stuck on Heuristics Analysis when it had actually completed successfullyFixed issue where Self-Protection setting would fail to toggle correctly after an upgradeStability/issues fixedFixed several crashes in the Web Protection moduleFixed issue where Ransomware Protection would be stuck in ‘Starting’ state after a rebootFixed a conflict with Norton that caused web pages not to load and plug-ins to crash in ChromeFixed issue with WMI protection technique in Exploit Protection that could cause Office applications to crashFixed several crashes related to the service and trayFixed security vulnerabilities that could be chained together to perform local privilege escalationFixed many other miscellaneous defects and user interface improvementsОсобенности сборки:ДОБАВЬТЕ В ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ ФАЙЛ HOSTS*%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS*Смотри hosts.gifОбщая информация:Тип: установка Языки: русский, english, multiЛечение: URETКлючи командной строки:Тихая установка: /S /QВыбор места установки: /DНапример: Install.exe /S /Q /D=C:\MyProgram
Скриншоты Антивирус — Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium DC 19.05.2017 RePack by KpoJIuK торрент:

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Current status of computer viruses and antivirus programs

PC viruses today are more of a legacy threat than an ongoing risk to computer users. They’ve been around for decades and have not substantially changed.

So, if computer viruses aren’t really a thing anymore, why do people still call their threat protection software an antivirus program, and why do you need an antivirus for computers in the first place?

Name Recognition:

It boils down to entrenched name recognition. Viruses made sensational headlines in the 90s, and security companies began using antivirus as shorthand for cyberthreats in general. Thus, the term antivirus was born.

Decades later, many security firms still use this term for marketing their products. It’s become a vicious cycle. Consumers assume viruses are synonymous with cyberthreats, so companies call their cybersecurity products antivirus software, which leads consumers to think viruses are still the problem.

New Virus Attacks:

But here’s the thing. While virus and antivirus are not exactly anachronisms, modern cyberthreats are often much worse than their viral predecessors. They hide deeper in our computer systems and are more adept at evading detection. The quaint viruses of yesterday have given rise to an entire rogue’s gallery of advanced threats like spyware, rootkits, Trojans, exploits, and ransomware, to name a few.

As these new attack categories emerged and evolved beyond early viruses, companies making antivirus for computers continued their mission against these new threats. However, these companies were unsure of how to categorize themselves.

Should they continue to market their products as antivirus software at the risk of sounding reductive? Should they use another «anti-threat» term for marketing themselves like «anti-spyware,» for example? Or was it better to take an all-inclusive approach and combine everything in a single product line that addressed all threats? The answers to these questions depend on the company.

Cybersecurity with Malwarebytes:

At Malwarebytes, cybersecurity is our highest-level catchall category. It makes sense to combine our anti-threat effort into a single term that covers more than just viruses. Accordingly, the term we use to cover most of what we do is “anti-malware,” which is short for “anti-malicious software.”

“Consumers assume viruses are synonymous with cyberthreats, so companies call their cybersecurity products antivirus software, which leads consumers to think viruses are still the problem.”

Как использовать MalwareBytes антивирус

Ниже приведённая инструкция очень проста и позволит любому пользователю проверить компьютер на вирусы с помощью MalwareBytes, а в случае обнаружения вредоносных программ, легко их удалить и восстановить нормальную работу операционной системы и интернет браузеров. При возникновении каких-либо проблем не стесняйтесь написать комментарий к этой статье или создать новую тему на нашем форуме. Если вас интересуют отзывы о MalwareBytes Anti-malware, то пролистайте эту страницу вниз.

  1. Как установить Malwarebytes на компьютер
  2. Как проверить компьютер на вирусы с помощью Malwarebytes антивируса
  3. Как удалить вирусы с помощью Malwarebytes Anti-malware

Где и как скачать Malwarebytes Anti-malware

Для того, чтобы после загрузки не искать скачанный файл, мы рекомендуем вам сохранить программу на Рабочий стол. Помните, по-умолчанию все скачанные файлы будут записаны в папку «Загрузки».

Effective Malware Protection

For most products, my malware protection test begins the moment I open the folder containing my current collection of malware samples. The minor file access that occurs when Windows Explorer reads a file’s name, size, and attributes is enough to trigger a real-time scan for some. For others, clicking on the file or copying it to a new location triggers a scan. To maintain compatibility and avoid stepping on the toes of such programs, Malwarebytes waits until just before the malware launches before running its on-access scan.

Cylance, Emsisoft, and McAfee AntiVirus Plus are among the other programs that wait until launch to scan for malware. Skipping mere on-access scanning saves time and resources, no doubt. However, wiping out known threats on sight means you’re protected even if the antivirus crashes or stops working.

To test this product’s malware protection, I launched each of my samples in turn. Looking at Task Manager, I could see that Malwarebytes put suspect processes in limbo until it could finish its analysis. Sometimes this took as long as 20 seconds, though it reached a verdict for most in three or four seconds. Don’t worry; I saw no such delay in the execution of innocuous programs.

As promised, it identified what it found in detail, with names like Sality.Virus.FileInfector.DDS and Adware.IStartSurf. Other reported malware types included Backdoor, PornTool, PUP, Ransom, RiskWare, Spyware, and Trojan. In every single case, it identified the sample and quarantined it before it could launch, scoring a perfect 10 points with 100% detection.

Tested with this same recently collected sample set, McAfee also managed 100% detection, but one imperfect blocking action brought its overall score to 9.9. Webroot detected 99% of these samples and scored 9.8. That still leaves Malwarebytes with the topmost scores among products tested with this sample set and with previous sets.

My malicious URL blocking test starts with a feed of real-world malware-hosting URLs supplied by London-based MRG-Effitas. When I tested Malwarebytes Free, the Browser Guard extension proved extremely effective, blocking all access to 98% of the verified malware-hosting URLs. Like the real-time antivirus, it detailed its reasons for blocking each URL. In most cases, it reported the presence of a Trojan, but for some, it reported riskware, phishing, or a suspicious download. It also blocked sites based on reputation, explaining that this refers to sites with little traffic and a known connection to malware.

Malwarebytes Premium earned precisely the same score as the free edition. The only difference was that in some cases, the main Malwarebytes app supplemented Browser Guard by displaying its own transient notification. Very few products have done better. Bitdefender, G Data, and Sophos managed 99% protection, while McAfee stands at the top with 100%. Malwarebytes beat out all other recent products.

Плюсы и минусы

Теперь перейдем к конкретным плюсам и минусам программного обеспечения. После ознакомления вы сможете определиться, по каким показателям Malwarebytes подходит вам, а из-за чего лучше от нее отказаться. Сначала достоинства:

  • полностью переведена на русский язык;
  • низкая нагрузка на компьютер;
  • совместимость со всеми Windows от XP до 10 включительно;
  • максимально простой и понятный интерфейс;
  • выбор приоритета при сканировании системы;
  • контроль за посещаемыми сайтами;
  • автоматическая блокировка угроз;
  • настройка расписания.

Теперь основные недостатки:

  • нельзя сканировать внешние накопители (жесткие диски, флешки, память телефона);
  • ограничение по сроку работы ознакомительной версии;
  • расширенный функционал доступен только в Pro-версии.

На основе этого можно сделать несколько выводов. Во-первых, для полноценного использования придется покупать лицензию или взламывать софт. Во-вторых, функционал все же несколько ограничен по сравнению с полноценным антивирусом.

If viruses aren’t as big of a threat anymore, why do I need an antivirus for my computer?

Viruses are just one kind of malware. There are other forms of malware that are more common these days. Here are just a few:


Adware is unwanted software designed to throw advertisements up on your screen, often within a web browser, but sometimes within mobile apps as well. Typically, adware disguises itself as legitimate or piggybacks on another program to trick you into installing it on your PC, tablet, or mobile device.


Spyware is malware that secretly observes the computer user’s activities, including browsing activity, downloads, payment information, and login credentials, and then reports this information to the software’s author. Spyware isn’t just for cybercriminals. Legitimate companies sometimes use spyware to track employees.


A keylogger, spyware’s less sophisticated cousin, is malware that records all the user’s keystrokes on the keyboard. This malware typically stores the gathered information and sends it to the attacker seeking sensitive information like usernames, passwords, or credit card details.

Computer Virus:

A computer virus is malware that attaches to another program and, when triggered, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and infecting them with its own bits of code.


Worms are a type of malware similar to viruses in that they spread, but they don’t require user interaction to be triggered.


A Trojan, or Trojan Horse, is more of a delivery method for infections than an infection. The Trojan presents itself as something useful to trick users into opening it. Trojan attacks can carry just about any form of malware, including viruses, spyware, and ransomware. Famously, the Emotet banking Trojan started as an information stealer, targeting banks and large corporations.

Later, Emotet operated purely as an infection vector for other forms of malware, usually ransomware.


Ransomware is a form of malware that locks you out of your device and/or encrypts your files, then forces you to pay a ransom to get them back. Ransomware has been called the cybercriminal’s weapon of choice, because it demands a profitable quick payment in hard-to-trace cryptocurrency.

The cybercriminals behind the GandCrab ransomware claimed to have brought in over $2 billion in ransom payments over the course of a year and a half.


A rootkit is malware that provides the attacker with administrator privileges on the infected system and actively hides from the normal computer user. Rootkits also hide from other software on the system—even from the operating system itself.

Malicious Cryptomining:

Malicious cryptomining, also sometimes called drive-by mining or cryptojacking, is an increasingly prevalent form of malware or browser-based attack that is delivered through multiple attack methods, including malspam, drive-by downloads, and rogue apps and extensions.

It allows someone else to use your computer’s CPU or GPU to mine cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Monero. So instead of letting you cash in on your computer’s horsepower, the cryptominers send the collected coins into their own account—not yours. So, essentially, a malicious cryptominer is stealing your device’s resources to make money.


Exploits are a type of threat that takes advantage of bugs and vulnerabilities in a system in order to allow the exploit’s creator to deliver malware. One of the most common exploits is the SQL injection.


Malvertising is an attack that uses malicious ads on mostly legitimate websites to deliver malware. You needn’t even click on the ad to be affected—the accompanying malware can install itself simply by loading and viewing the page in your browser. All you have to do is visit a good site on the wrong day.

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