Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library


Güncel kaynak kodu paketi

(yaklaşık 4Mb)

Modern Linux sistemleri için genel ikili rpm

Bakımı Dirk Eddelbuettel tarafından sağlanan Debian GNU/Linux paketleri; ayrıca bakınız

İster kaynaktan derliyor, ister önceden derlenmiş ikiliyi yüklüyor olun, gretl’ın bağımlılıkları’na göz atmak isteyebilir veya gereksinim duyabilirsiniz.

Gretl’ın MS Windows sürümüne buradan, Mac OS X sürümüne ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Aşağıda gösterildiği gibi, zaman-dizisi çözümleme programları X-12-ARIMA ve TRAMO/SEATS, gretl ile Linux üzerinde kullanmaya uygun bir biçimde bulunmaktadır.

X-12-ARIMA ikili RPM dosyası

TRAMO/SEATS ikili RPM dosyası

X-12-ARIMA Debian paketi

TRAMO/SEATS debian paketi

Gretl, çizim oluşturmak için gnuplot’tan yararlanır. Gnuplot’un 4.2.3 no’lu en yeni resmi sürümü (Mart 2008 tarihli), adresinde bulunmaktadır.


First of all, thanks to Ramu Ramanathan (1936-2013). Ramanathan was
Professor of Economics at UCSD and author of
. Gretl’s origins lie in Ramanathan’s
open-sourcing of the C code for his econometrics program «ESL».

Many people have sent in useful bug reports and suggestions for gretl’s
development. We are particularly indebted to Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza,
Tadeusz Kufel, Pawel Kufel, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Sven Schreiber and
Andreas Rosenblad. A. Talha Yalta plays a helpful role in scrutinizing
and reporting on gretl’s numerical accuracy.

Many thanks to Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Susan Orbe, Michel
Robitaille, Florent Bresson, Cristian Rigamonti, Tadeusz and Pawel
Kufel, Markus Hahn, Sven Schreiber, Hélio Guilherme, Henrique Andrade,
Alexander Gedranovich, Talha Yalta, Y. N. Yang, Pavla Nikolovova, Jan
Hanousek, Artur Bala, Manolis Tzagarakis, Ioannis Venetis, Vitalie
Ciubotaru, Mihaela Nicolau, Oleh Komashko and Juan Estévez for
their work in translating gretl.

Thanks to William Greene, author of Econometric
, for his permission to include in the gretl package
some datasets relating to interesting examples in his text.

Thanks to the good people on the comp.lang.c of old and for expert advice on many
issues. Thanks to Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation
for all his work in developing and promoting free software, and more
specifically for agreeing to «adopt» gretl as a GNU program.

Allin Cottrell, Wake Forest University

Riccardo «Jack» Lucchetti, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Last modified: 2021-08-29


  • Простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс на
    русском, французском, итальянском, испанском, польском, немецком,
    баскском, каталонском, галисийском, португальском, турецком, чешском,
    китайском, албанском, болгарском, греческом, японском,
    румынском — и, конечно же,

  • Множество методов оценивания: наименьших
    квадратов (LS), максимального правдоподобия (ML), обобщённый метод
    моментов (GMM), метод одного уравнения и систем

  • Инструментарий для анализа временных рядов:
    ARIMA, широкий спектр одномерных GARCH-моделей, VAR и VECM
    (включая структурный VAR), тесты на единичные корни
    и коинтеграцию, фильтр Калмана и проч.;

  • Модели с ограниченной зависимой
    переменной: логит, пробит, модели со смещением отбора (Тобина,
    Хекмана и т. д.), интервальная регрессия, модели счётных
    данных, модели длительности и проч.;

  • Оценивание панельных моделей, включая
    инструментальные переменные, пробит и динамические панели на
    основе обобщённого метода моментов (GMM);

  • Выдача результатов в формате LaTeX
    в форме таблицы или уравнения одним нажатием кнопки;

  • Мощный встроенный скриптовый
    язык hansl,
    содержащий большое количество функций для программирования и работы с

  • Циклическая структура команд для симуляций
    методом Монте-Карло и итерационных процедур оценивания;

  • Графический интерфейс для тонкой настройки
    графиков gnuplot;

  • Постоянно растущая
    база пользовательских функциональных пакетов,
    написанных на hansl;

  • Интеграция и обмен данными
    со статистическими пакетами GNU
    R, GNU
    Octave, Ox
    и Stata.

Contributing to gretl

Do you have ideas or code that you’d like to contribute to gretl? If so,
we’d be very pleased to hear from you. You should probably join the
gretl-devel mailing

The most obvious way of contributing your expertise to gretl
development is by writing
a function
package (using gretl’s scripting language,
You can see a listing of current packages
A quick Guide
to producing function packages is available (thanks, Stefano Fachin!).

If by any chance you’re a C coder then contributions to the
underlying gretl library would also be welcome. The only
non-negotiable requirement on C code that can be contributed to
gretl is that you must be willing to have it appear under
the GNU General
Public License (GPL), that is, you must be comfortable with
having the source released.


Aquí están las últimas fuentes del paquete

Dirk Eddelbuettel mantiene los paquetes de gretl para Debian GNU/Linux,
que se pueden encontrar en; hay más información disponible en

Paquetes de Fedora mantenidos por Johannes Lips

Tanto si Vd. va a compilar gretl desde el código fuente como si va a instalar un
fichero binario pre-compilado, es posible que necesite o desee comprobar
las dependencias de gretl.

Gretl para MS Windows se encuentra aquí,
y gretl para Mac OS X aquí.

Los programas de análisis de series temporales X-12-ARIMA y TRAMO/SEATS
están disponibles en una forma adecuada para su uso con gretl sobre Linux, en los ficheros

RPM binario de X-12-ARIMA

«Tarball» binario de X-12-ARIMA

Paquete Debian de X-12-ARIMA

RPM binario de TRAMO/SEATS

«Tarball» binario de TRAMO/SEATS

Paquete Debian de TRAMO/SEATS

Textbook datasets

Datasets (and in some cases replication scripts) are available for
several popular econometrics textbooks, as shown in the table below.
Please note that the .exe files are self-installers, for use on
MS Windows only; the .tar.gz and .zip files are
compressed archives that are usable on any operating system. Notes on
installing the files can be found beneath the table.

Note that Lee Adkins offers
additional material relating to Principles of Econometrics by Hill, Griffiths and Lim,
including a free companion pdf book, Using gretl for Principles of Econometrics.

Author Title Files

Ramu Ramanathan

Data and scripts supplied with gretl

William Greene

Selected data supplied with gretl

Jeffrey Wooldridge


Damodar Gujarati


Stock and Watson


Christopher Dougherty


Hill, Griffiths and Lim


Marno Verbeek


Davidson and MacKinnon


Gary Koop


Installing the textbook data

With the Windows self-installers, just download them to the desktop then double-click
on the installer icon. (Once the datasets are installed you can delete the installer.)

The compressed data packages should be unpacked in the gretl «data» directory. For
example, if gretl is installed under /usr you could install the Stock and Watson
data like this (as the root user):

cd /usr/share/gretl/data
tar xvfz stock_watson.tar.gz
rm stock_watson.tar.gz

The Stock and Watson scripts package should be unpacked in
/usr/share/gretl/scripts (or the corresponding location if gretl is
not installed under /usr).


First of all, thanks to Ramu Ramanathan (1936-2013). Ramanathan was
Professor of Economics at UCSD and author of
. Gretl’s origins lie in Ramanathan’s
open-sourcing of the C code for his econometrics program «ESL».

Many people have sent in useful bug reports and suggestions for gretl’s
development. We are particularly indebted to Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza,
Tadeusz Kufel, Pawel Kufel, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Sven Schreiber and
Andreas Rosenblad. A. Talha Yalta plays a helpful role in scrutinizing
and reporting on gretl’s numerical accuracy.

Many thanks to Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Susan Orbe, Michel
Robitaille, Florent Bresson, Cristian Rigamonti, Tadeusz and Pawel
Kufel, Markus Hahn, Sven Schreiber, Hélio Guilherme, Henrique Andrade,
Alexander Gedranovich, Talha Yalta, Y. N. Yang, Pavla Nikolovova, Jan
Hanousek, Artur Bala, Manolis Tzagarakis, Ioannis Venetis, Vitalie
Ciubotaru, Mihaela Nicolau, Oleh Komashko and Juan Estévez for
their work in translating gretl.

Thanks to William Greene, author of Econometric
, for his permission to include in the gretl package
some datasets relating to interesting examples in his text.

Thanks to the good people on the comp.lang.c of old and for expert advice on many
issues. Thanks to Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation
for all his work in developing and promoting free software, and more
specifically for agreeing to «adopt» gretl as a GNU program.

Allin Cottrell, Wake Forest University

Riccardo «Jack» Lucchetti, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Last modified: 2021-08-29


Öncelikle, gretl’ın geliştirilmesinde başlangıç noktası olan «ESL» ekonometri kodlarının kaynağını açan California, San Diego Üniversitesi Emeritus profesörü Ramu Ramanathan’a teşekkürler. Profesör Ramanathan, Introductory Econometrics (Dryden, şu an 5. baskıda) yazarıdır. Ramu, ayrıca gretl’ın geliştirilmesi sürecinde çok yardımcı bir eleştirmen olmuştur.

Yararlı hata raporları ve Gretl’ın gelişimi için öneriler göndermiş bir çok kişi bulunuyor. Bunun için özellikle Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Tadeusz Kufel, Pawel Kufel, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Sven Schreiber ve Andreas Rosenblad’a teşekkür borçluyuz. Gretl’ın sayısal kesinliğini gözden geçirme ve raporlama konusunda A. Talha YALTA yardımcı bir rol üstlenmektedir.

Gretl’ı farklı dillere çevirmeye yönelik çalışmalarından dolayı Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Susan Orbe, Michel Robitaille, Florent Bresson, Cristian Rigamonti, Tadeusz ve Pawel Kufel, Markus Hahn, Sven Schreiber ve Hélio Guilherme’ye çok teşekkürler.

Kitabındaki ilginç örneklere ilişkin bazı veri setlerinin gretl paketine dahil edilmesine izin verdiği için Econometric
yazarı William Greene’ye teşekkürler.

Birçok konudaki uzman tavsiyeleri için comp.lang.c ve’daki iyi insanlara teşekkürler. Özgür yazılımın gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşması için göstermiş olduğu onca emek ve daha özel olarak gretl’ı bir GNU programı olarak almayı kabul ettiği için, Özgür Yazılım Vakfı’ndan Richard Stallman’a teşekkürler.

Allin Cottrell, Wake Forest University

Riccardo «Jack» Lucchetti, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Çeviren: A. Talha Yalta, TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi

Son güncelleme: 2021-08-29


Исходный код последней стабильной версии

Пакеты для Debian GNU/Linux (поддержка — Dirk Eddelbuettel); см. также

Пакеты для Fedora (поддержка — Johannes Lips)

Если вы компилируете из исходников или устанавливаете уже
скомпилированный исполняемый пакет, возможно, вам понадобится
проверить зависимости gretl.

Gretl для MS Windows можно скачать здесь,
а gretl для
Mac OS X — здесь.

Программы для анализа временных рядов X-12-ARIMA и TRAMO/SEATS
доступны в формате, подходящем для gretl под Linux
(под Windows
и Mac OS X
см. соответствующие страницы).

Бинарный RPM для X-12-ARIMA

Бинарный tarball для X-12-ARIMA

Пакет Debian для X-12-ARIMA

Бинарный RPM для TRAMO/SEATS

Бинарный tarball для TRAMO/SEATS

Пакет Debian для TRAMO/SEATS

Processing Econometrics Data

Gretl is a Business software package developed by Allin Cottrell, Riccardo Lucchetti and the gretl team. The cross-platform, open-source software package is designed for econometric analysis.

Analysis For Statistics And Econometrics Data

Gretl is an acronym for Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library. It is coded in C language and users are free to redistribute it, as well as add or modify the software package contents. Users still have to comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL) as stated by the Free Software Foundation.

Packaged With Forecasting Tools

Gretl is created to lighten the load of every statistician and econometrician. It has an easy to use interface with support to several languages commonly used today. The software package comes with a lot of estimator functions such as GMM; single-equation, least squares, maximum likelihood, and system methods. This allows inferring of an unknown parameter value plotted in a statistical model. Users are also provided with time series indexing methods like ARIMA, univariate GARCH-type models, Kalman filter, structural VARs and VECMs, unit-root and cointegration tests. This enables indexing data in time order. It includes limited dependent variables like interval regression, logit, models for count and duration data, probit, sample selection, and tobit. This allows estimating the connection between the limited dependent variable being observed and other variables requires methods with set parameters. The software package has panel-data estimators allow for consistent estimation of the observed explanatory variables’ effects as well as cross-section units. This includes GMM-based dynamic panel models, instrumental variables and probit. This software package can process output models like LaTeX files. The output models are plotted in an equation or tabular format.

Open Source Features

Gretl’s main advantage over other software package is its capacity to be integrated with several add-ons and contributed function packages made by other users. This will enrich everybody’s experience when analyzing data from statistics and econometrics. The software package is built with a custom, integrated scripting language called hansl, an acronym for Hansl’s A Neat Scripting Language. hansl is an interpreted scripting language that automates repetitive tasks so that users can easily make procedures implementing techniques and special functions that could be absent in gretl. Similar to standard scripting languages, it has data structures with conditionals and complex features, along with loops. It also natively supports matrices as primitive variable types. Some of the function packages and other add-ons for gretl are written in hansl. Other than hansl, it includes more programming tools as well as matrix operations. 

Compatibility With Other Statistical Tools

To process statistics and econometrics easier, the software package has a GUI controller so that users can create fine-tuned Gnuplot graphs. Users can expect a more convenient facilitation of data and result exchange with other programming languages like GNU R, GNU, Julia, Octave, Ox, Python, and Stata. The software platform allows parallelization via MPI, as well as support for Mixed Data Sampling approach (MIDAS) mixed time-series frequencies and Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM) machine learning library.

Вы пользователь gretl?

к списку
рассылки пользователей gretl. Это общедоступная рассылка,
в которой любой человек может задать вопрос и предложить
свою помощь, обсудить новые возможности и проч.
Также существует подписка
на уведомления
о gretl; здесь подписчикам объявляют о выходе новых
версий gretl.

Вы можете
отправлять отчёты
об ошибках
и предложения
по разработке новых функций на трекер SourceForge. Пожалуйста,
используйте трекер только тогда, когда вы действительно уверены
в том, что нашли баг. Если вы не уверены, то лучше сначала
напишите в один из списков рассылки подписчикам. (Разумеется,
если gretl вылетает и падает, то вы нашли
баг — поздравляем, сразу пишите на баг-трекер!)

Contributing to gretl

Do you have ideas or code that you’d like to contribute to gretl? If so,
we’d be very pleased to hear from you. You should probably join the
gretl-devel mailing

The most obvious way of contributing your expertise to gretl
development is by writing
a function
package (using gretl’s scripting language,
You can see a listing of current packages
A quick Guide
to producing function packages is available (thanks, Stefano Fachin!).

If by any chance you’re a C coder then contributions to the
underlying gretl library would also be welcome. The only
non-negotiable requirement on C code that can be contributed to
gretl is that you must be willing to have it appear under
the GNU General
Public License (GPL), that is, you must be comfortable with
having the source released.


  • Interfaz fácil e intuitiva (ahora en Albanés,
    Alemán, Búlgaro, Catalán, Checo, Chino, Español, Francés, Gallego,
    Griego, Italiano, Japonés, Polaco, Portugués, Rumano, Ruso, Turco y Vasco además del

  • Incluye una gran variedad de estimadores: mínimos cuadrados, máxima verosimilitud, GMM; de una sola ecuación
    y de sistemas de ecuaciones

  • Métodos de series temporales: ARIMA, una amplia variedad de modelos univariantes tipo GARCH, VARs y VECMs (incluyendo VAR estructurales), contrastes de raíces unitarias y de cointegración, filtro de Kalman etc.

  • Variables dependientes limitadas: logit, probit,
    tobit, selección muestral, regresión por intervalos, modelos para datos de conteo y
    de duración, etc.

  • Estimadores para datos de panel, incluyendo variables instrumentales, probit y modelos dinámicos basados en GMM.

  • Los resultados de los modelos se pueden guardar como ficheros LaTeX, en
    formato tabular y/o de ecuación.

  • Incluye un potente lenguaje de programación vía ‘scripts’ (guiones) (conocido como hansl) con una amplia gama de herramientas de programación y de operaciones matriciales.

  • Controlador gráfico mediante menús, para el ajuste fino de los gráficos

  • Una lista de
    paquetes de funciones creados por los usuarios, escritos en hansl, en contínua expansión

  • Herramientas para el intercambio de datos y resultados de manera sencilla con GNU R,
    GNU Octave,
    Ox y


En primer lugar, gracias a Ramu Ramanathan, Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de
California, San Diego, por abrir el código de su programa
econométrico «ESL», que fue el punto inicial en el desarrollo de Gretl.
El profesor Ramanathan es el autor de Introductory
(Dryden, actualmente en su 5ª edición). Ramu también ha
sido un crítico muy constructivo durante el desarrollo de gretl.

Muchas personas me han enviado útiles informes sobre ‘bugs’ (errores) y sugerencias
para el desarrollo de gretl; merecen una mención particular Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza,
Tadeusz Kufel, Pawel Kufel, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Sven Schreiber y Andreas Rosenblad.
A. Talha Yalta ha desempeñado un importante papel en el análisis de la precisión numérica de

Muchas gracias a Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Susan Orbe, Marian Zubía,
Michel Robitaille, Florent Bresson, Cristian Rigamonti, Tadeusz and
Pawel Kufel, Markus Hahn, Sven Schreiber, Hélio Guilherme, Henrique
Andrade, Alexander Gedranovich, Talha Yalta,
Y. N. Yang, Pavla Nikolovova, Jan Hanousek, Artur Bala, Manolis
Tzagarakis, Ioannis Venetis, Juan C. Estévez, Andreu Sansó, Vitalie Ciubotaru y Mihaela
Nicolau por su
trabajo con las traducciones de Gretl.

Gracias a William Greene, autor de Econometric
, por su permiso para incluir en el paquete gretl algunos datos
de interesantes ejemplos de su libro.

Gracias a la buena gente de comp.lang.c y por ofrecerme su ayuda ante muchos
problemas. Gracias a Richard Stallman de la «Free Software Foundation»
por todo su trabajo al desarrollar y promover el software libre y en particular
por aceptar la «adopción» de gretl como un programa GNU.

Allin Cottrell, Wake Forest University

Riccardo «Jack» Lucchetti, Università Politecnica delle Marche

Última modificación: 2021-08-29


The current source package

Debian GNU/Linux packages,
maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel; see also

Fedora packages,
maintained by Johannes Lips

Whether you’re compiling from source or installing a pre-compiled binary,
you may want/need to check out gretl’s dependencies.

Gretl for MS Windows can be found here,
and gretl for Mac OS X here.

The time-series analysis programs X-13-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS
are available in a form suitable for use with gretl on Linux, as follows.

Binary package for X-13-ARIMA

Binary package for TRAMO/SEATS

Look here for system requirements and installation guide.


  • Easy intuitive interface (now in French,
    Italian, Spanish, Polish, German, Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian,
    Turkish, Czech, Traditional Chinese, Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Japanese and Romanian
    as well as English)

  • A wide variety of estimators: least squares, maximum likelihood,
    GMM; single-equation and system methods

  • Time series methods: ARIMA, a wide variety of
    univariate GARCH-type models, VARs and VECMs (including structural
    VARs), unit-root and cointegration tests, Kalman filter,

  • Limited dependent variables: logit, probit,
    tobit, sample selection, interval regression, models for count and
    duration data, etc.

  • Panel-data estimators, including instrumental
    variables, probit and GMM-based dynamic panel models

  • Output models as LaTeX files, in tabular or equation format

  • Integrated powerful scripting language (known
    with a wide range of programming tools and matrix

  • GUI controller for fine-tuning
    Gnuplot graphs

  • Facilities for easy exchange of data and results
    with GNU R,
    GNU Octave,
    Ox and

  • Parallelization via MPI

  • Support for mixed time-series frequencies

  • Support for machine learning via

Besides gretl’s core functionality, several addons
and numerous
contributed function
packages are available. See below.


  • Easy intuitive interface (now in French,
    Italian, Spanish, Polish, German, Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian,
    Turkish, Czech, Traditional Chinese, Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Japanese and Romanian
    as well as English)

  • A wide variety of estimators: least squares, maximum likelihood,
    GMM; single-equation and system methods

  • Time series methods: ARIMA, a wide variety of
    univariate GARCH-type models, VARs and VECMs (including structural
    VARs), unit-root and cointegration tests, Kalman filter,

  • Limited dependent variables: logit, probit,
    tobit, sample selection, interval regression, models for count and
    duration data, etc.

  • Panel-data estimators, including instrumental
    variables, probit and GMM-based dynamic panel models

  • Output models as LaTeX files, in tabular or equation format

  • Integrated powerful scripting language (known
    with a wide range of programming tools and matrix

  • GUI controller for fine-tuning
    Gnuplot graphs

  • Facilities for easy exchange of data and results
    with GNU R,
    GNU Octave,
    Ox and

  • Parallelization via MPI

  • Support for mixed time-series frequencies

  • Support for machine learning via

Besides gretl’s core functionality, several addons
and numerous
contributed function
packages are available. See below.

использованная литература



  • Бивор, Энтони (2002). Берлин: крушение 1945 . Книги викингов-пингвинов. ISBN 978-0-670-03041-5.
  • Буллок, Алан (1999) . Гитлер: Исследование тирании . Нью-Йорк: Конецки и Конецки. ISBN 1-56852-036-0.
  • Гертемакер, Хайке Б. (2011). Ева Браун: Жизнь с Гитлером . Нью-Йорк: Альфред А. Кнопф . ISBN 978-0-307-59582-9.
  • Иоахимсталер, Антон (1999) . Последние дни Гитлера: легенды, доказательства, правда . Brockhampton Press. ISBN 978-1-86019-902-8.
  • Юнге, Траудл (2003). Мюллер, Мелисса (ред.). До последнего часа: последний секретарь Гитлера . Лондон: Вайденфельд и Николсон . ISBN 978-0-297-84720-5.
  • Кершоу, Ян (2008). Гитлер: Биография . WW Нортон. ISBN 978-0-393-06757-6.
  • Ламберт, Анджела (2006). Потерянная жизнь Евы Браун . Лондон: Век. ISBN 978-1-84413-599-8.
  • Линге, Хайнц (2009) . . Frontline Books-Skyhorse Publishing. ISBN 978-1-60239-804-7.
  • Миллер, Майкл (2006). Руководители СС и немецкой полиции, Vol. 1 . Издательство Р. Джеймса Бендера. ISBN 978-93-297-0037-2.
  • Уильямсон, Гордон (2006). СС: инструмент террора Гитлера . Нью-Йорк: Barnes & Noble Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7607-8168-5.

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Big datafiles

Source Description File

Penn World Table, PWT56 (cross-country macro panel data)

Jones-Obstfeld Saving and Investment Data for 13 Countries
(historical panel)

NBER-CES/Census Manufacturing Industry Productivity Data,
June 2000 (covers over 400 industrial sectors)

You should follow up the links in the first column above to get
full details on these data sets. I am in the process of assembling
my own notes on these packages; for the moment I have only done this
for the Penn World Table.

Penn World Table

PWT56 is a rich macroeconomic panel dataset, spanning 152 countries
over the years 1950 to 1992. The package for gretl comprises three
main data files:

  • pwt56.gdt: the entire pwt56. This dataset has many missing

  • pwt56_60_89.gdt: A panel data set of 120 countries for
    the 30 years 1960-89, containing 20 variables. This data set has no
    missing observations.

  • pwt56_1985.gdt: More data are available for 1985 than for
    any other year, so I also made a pure cross-sectional data file for
    all 152 countries for this year. This file has some missing
    observations, but these will not be quite so difficult to deal with in
    a cross section as in a panel data set.

The package includes full documentation and sample scripts to analyse
the data.

Крушение Третьего Рейха

Через три дня после свадьбы Гретл состоялась высадка в Нормандии . Социальная сцена в Бергхофе фактически закончилась 14 июля 1944 года, когда Гитлер уехал в свой военный штаб, чтобы никогда больше не возвращаться. 19 января 1945 года Гретль и Ева прибыли в рейхсканцелярию в Берлине, но 9 февраля уехали в Берхтесгаден. Позже Ева вернулась одна. 23 апреля она написала Гретл свое последнее письмо с просьбой уничтожить все ее деловые документы, но сохранить личную переписку или похоронить ее. Ни один из этих документов не обнаружен.

Гретль была беременна и все еще находилась в Бергхофе, когда ее муж был арестован за дезертирство 28 апреля 1945 года в квартире в Берлине, пропав без вести из фюрербункера . Первоначально, из уважения к Еве, Гитлер рассматривал возможность отдать Фегелейну приказ защищать Берлин. Однако, узнав о предложении Гиммлера сдаться западным союзникам, Гитлер приказал арестовать Гиммлера и расстрелять Фегелейна. Гитлер женился на Еве Браун рано утром 29 апреля. Днем 30 апреля 1945 года пара покончила жизнь самоубийством. 5 мая 1945 года в Оберзальцберге Гретль родила дочь, которую назвала Евой Барбарой в память о своей сестре. Ева Барбара покончила жизнь самоубийством в 1975 году, после того как ее парень погиб в автокатастрофе.

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