Ummy video downloader


Давайте посмотрим на преимущества использования по сравнению с другим программным обеспечением для загрузки:

  • Это интуитивно понятно. имеет удобный интерфейс, которым может пользоваться каждый. В отличие от других сложных инструментов, наш онлайн-загрузчик прост. Вам не нужны какие-либо предварительные знания, чтобы научиться им пользоваться.
  • Вы можете сэкономить место. Поскольку это веб-платформа, все процессы преобразования выполняются в Интернете. Это означает, что вам не нужно устанавливать новые приложения на свое устройство для загрузки видео с YouTube при использовании Таким образом вы экономите место для хранения.
  • Вы можете сэкономить время. Онлайн-загрузчики, особенно, характеризуются как быстрые. Как только процесс конвертации начнется, он будет готов буквально за секунды, чтобы практически сразу начать загрузку видео.
  • Это бесплатно. Как мы уже упоминали, полностью бесплатен. Не ПО с микротранзакциями или фримиум, а на 100% бесплатное. Здесь нет необходимости входить в систему или платить ни цента. Вы можете использовать нашу платформу все время бесплатно.

Так что вы можете убедиться в этом сами. Использование для загрузки видео с YouTube в разрешении 1080p лучше, чем использование других более сложных методов.

Key features of the addon

Supported Formats for Video Downloads

It allows the user to download YouTube videos with different high quality options. It offers 2160p (4k), 1440p (2k), 1080p (HD), 720p (HD), 480p, 360p, 144p etc. These video qualities are supported for all available video formats (MP4, FLV, WEBM, 3GP).

Dash Video and Audio Downloads

The YouTube video downloader extension also allows the user to download dash videos and audio streams. Please be informed that dash files do not include any of the audio or video streams.

Support for Embedded Videos

The extension also allows the user to directly download videos from embedded YouTube players. You just have to move your cursor over it and a “Download” button will appear at the top right corner of the video player. Now just click to save the video in the required format.

Capture Screenshots

The YouTube video downloader also allows the user to capture screenshots of YouTube videos in high quality. You just have to press the camera button at a particular frame you want to capture. To get the best result, pause the video at a frame you want to capture and press the camera button to get the screenshot of high quality.

Возможности Video Downloader

  • Доступ к тонким настройкам качества видео и звука;
  • Функция добавления понравившегося медиаконтента в избранное;
  • Регулярные обновления софта от официального сайта разработчика;
  • Позволяет загружать файлы напрямую из любого видеохостинга в один клик;
  • Сохранение мультимедиа в форматах MP4, AVI, MPEG, MP3, WMA, OGG и т.д;
  • Наличие полезной  опции предварительного просмотра, уведомления о завершении закачки.


  • Высокая скорость скачивания;
  • Простота и удобство использования;
  • Совместимость с Windows, Mac OS и Linux;
  • Не требует установки сторонних дополнений;
  • Можно качать несколько файлов одновременно;
  • Позволяет смотреть клипы и слушать аудио во встроенном проигрывателе.


Let’s see the advantages of using over other downloading software:

  • It’s intuitive. counts with a user-friendly interface everyone can use. Unlike other complicated tools, our online downloader is simple. You don’t need any previous knowledge to learn how to use it.
  • You can save space. As it’s a web-based platform, all conversion processes are done on the Internet. This means that you don’t need to install new apps on your device to download videos from YouTube when using And you save storage space this way.
  • You can save time. Online downloaders, and especially, characterize as being fast. Once the conversion process starts, it will be ready literally in seconds to start downloading the videos almost immediately.
  • It’s free. As we have mentioned already, is completely free. Not software with microtransactions or a freemium, but 100% free. Here there’s no need for signing in or paying a cent. You can use our platform all the time for free.

So you can see it for yourself. Using to download videos from YouTube at 1080p is better than using other more complicated methods.

Reasons to download HD videos from YouTube

Although streaming is quite excellent, there are many reasons to download videos from YouTube, especially if you want to watch the video in 1080p resolution.

First of all, it’s a fair way to avoid tedious ads. These days, YouTube is full of advertisements that keep stopping our videos all the time. And you can elude all this by downloading the video and watching it offline. Also, as an Internet connection isn’t available everywhere, you can genuinely watch all the videos you want whenever you want if you download them. So, store the videos on your device gives you some freedom.

But the main reason to download videos specifically in HD from YouTube is to avoid lag. Logically, a video in 1080p encompasses more data than those of lower definitions. This translates that more bytes need to be transferred per second to stream HD videos without lag. So your Internet connection must be not only stable but relatively fast to watch YouTube videos in 1080p with no lag. The truth is, not everyone has such a thing, so the only way to watch 1080p videos is by downloading them from YouTube and watch them online. And the best way to do that is with

Как скачивать с YouTube интересное видео?

Достаточно часто возникает необходимость скачать определенный видеоролик с YouTube. Сделать это все же можно, но с помощью сторонних программ, специализированных онлайн-сервисов, расширений для браузеров и мобильных приложений.

Как скачивать видео с ютуба с помощью 3D Youtube Downloader

С помощью данной программы можно закачивать видеоролики не только с YouTube, но и с других популярных видео сервисов. Это приложение отличает то, что оно предоставляет возможность самостоятельно выбирать качество и формат загружаемого видеоролика, качает аудиодорожки и даже субтитры. Пользователи отмечают довольно простой интерфейс и быструю загрузку видеороликов, однако их конвертация осуществляется довольно медленно.

Как скачивать видео с ютуба на компьютер с помощью 4K YouTube Downloader

Это приложение позволяет скачивать видео высокого качества на компьютер настолько быстро, насколько это только возможно. С помощью этой программы также можно переносить ролики на iPad и iPhone, так как она поддерживает большую часть современных платформ: Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Достаточно просто скопировать ссылку на видеоролик и вставить ее в специально отведенную для этого строку.

Загрузка видео с ютуба с помощью ClipGrab

Еще один удобный и быстрый загрузчик видео, который может работать независимо от браузера. ClipGrab позволяет скачивать видеоролики практически со всех известных хостингов видео, а также конвертировать видео в нужный формат.

Как загрузить видео с ютуба с помощью Download Master

Данное приложение отличается своей высокой эффективностью и удобным интерфейсом. С ее помощью пользователь Windows 7 и выше может скачивать файлы абсолютно со всего интернета, будь то аудиодорожки или целые фильмы. Из особенностей можно отметить то, что этот программный продукт позволяет переносить незаконченные загрузки с одного компьютера на другой.

Загрузка видео с youtube с помощью GetVideo

Эту программу можно установить не только на компьютеры, но и на мобильные устройства, работающие под управлением операционной системы Android. GetVideo неплохо справляется со своей основной задачей, хоть и не является рекордсменом в плане функционала. От множества конкурентов это приложение отличает то, что оно позволяет скачивать видео и из социальных сетей, таких как ВКонтакте или Одноклассники и т.д.

Как качать с ютуба видео на компьютер с помощью Ummy Video Downloader

Инструмент, предназначенный исключительно для владельцев компьютеров от Apple. Возможности те же, что и у похожих приложений для Windows – быстрая загрузка видеороликов или аудиодорожек из YouTube и удобный пользовательский интерфейс. С помощью этого приложения можно скачать с YouTube целый плейлист с любимыми треками.

Как скачать видео с youtube на компьютер с помощью Videoder

Пользователи мобильных Android-устройств могут скачивать видеоролики и музыку с помощью приложения Videoder. Помимо того, что оно загружает файлы в высоком качестве, пользовательский интерфейс совершенно не нагружен рекламой. Это основная фишка разработчиков – бесплатное и удобное приложение без надоедливой рекламы, что может быть лучше?

Как можно скачать видео с ютуба с помощью YouTube Downloader и Youtube Downloader HD

Еще один «качатель» для Android, который позволяет скачивать видеоролики в высоком качестве и нужном формате. Весь процесс загрузки происходит всего в три шага: копируем ссылку на нужное видео, вставляем его в специально отведенную строку и нажать «Скачать»! Youtube Downloader HD позволяет скачивать видеоролики даже в качестве 1080p. Есть небольшой минус – программа доступна не во всех странах.

Как копировать с ютуба интересное видео с помощью YouTube-DLG

Не самая популярная, но все же интересная разработка с простым пользовательским интерфейсом, предназначенная для операционных систем Windows и Linux, которая позволяет скачивать видео не только с YouTube, но и с других платформ. Из особенностей – одновременная загрузка сразу нескольких файлов, возможность скачивать субтитры и плейлисты, полноценная поддержка самых разнообразных форматов.

Как записать видео с ютуба с помощью Zasasa Youtube

Позволяет скачивать видеоролики и аудио треки с крупнейших видео хостингов мира и даже из некоторых социальных сетей, таких как Instagram,. Помимо того, что это довольно немолодое приложение поддерживает все действительно востребованные возможности для загрузки видеороликов, с его помощью можно скачивать файлы и с Также необходимо отметить, что это приложение работает только на операционной системе Windows.


Müzik dinlemek hemen hemen herkes için son derece önemli olmakla birlikte, özellikle gündelik yaşantının yarattığı kaygı, stres gibi durumlardan uzaklaşarak kenara çekilmek için kritik bir önem arz etmektedir. Müzik tahmin edileceği üzere insanın ruhsal dinginliğinin sağlanması ve ruhun doyurulması adına içsel bir haz sağlamaktadır. Özellikle günümüzde gelişen teknoloji ile pek çok müzik dinleme aracı gündelik yaşantının bir parçası haline dönüştü. Pek çok mobil cihaz bu konuda taşınır özelliklerle insanların yaşantısına katkı sağlamasına karşın, istenilen müziklerin bulunamaması ya da bu müzikleri indirme konusunda problemlerin oluşmasına da sebebiyet verdi. Tam da bu noktada Youtube Mp3 dönüştürücüsü pek çok insanın dilediği müziği özgürce dinlemesi adına muhteşem bir çözüm önerisi olarak sunulmaktadır.

Youtube bilineceği üzere milyarlarca içeriğe, videoya, filme ve şarkıya erişmek için mükemmel bir zemin olma özelliğine sahiptir. Aranılan her şey anında Youtube tarafından sunularak talep edilen tüm içeriklere anlık olarak karşılık verilmektedir. Özellikle müzik ve şarkı listeleri konusunda milyonlarca alternatif sunan Youtube aracılığıyla tüm bunlara ulaşmanız ve bu imkânlardan faydalanmanız mümkündür. Fakat her durumda Youtube üzerinden müzik ya da şarkı dinlemek aynı etkiyi yaratmayabilir. Özellikle internet konusunda kota problemi olanlar ya da dilediği şarkıyı özgürce dinleme konusunda arzulu olanlar için Youtube kısıtlayıcı bir yapıya sahip olabilmektedir. Youtube tarafından sunulan müzik ve şarkıların indirilmesi ise kullanıcılar tarafından sıklıkla yaşanılan problemlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu noktada kesin çözüm kaynağı olarak Youtube Mp3 şarkı dönüştürücüsü kurtarıcı rol oynamaktadır.

Youtube bilineceği üzere milyarlarca içeriğe, videoya, filme ve şarkıya erişmek için mükemmel bir zemin olma özelliğine sahiptir. Aranılan her şey anında Youtube tarafından sunularak talep edilen tüm içeriklere anlık olarak karşılık verilmektedir. Özellikle müzik ve şarkı listeleri konusunda milyonlarca alternatif sunan Youtube aracılığıyla tüm bunlara ulaşmanız ve bu imkânlardan faydalanmanız mümkündür. Fakat her durumda Youtube üzerinden müzik ya da şarkı dinlemek aynı etkiyi yaratmayabilir. Özellikle internet konusunda kota problemi olanlar ya da dilediği şarkıyı özgürce dinleme konusunda arzulu olanlar için Youtube kısıtlayıcı bir yapıya sahip olabilmektedir. Youtube tarafından sunulan müzik ve şarkıların indirilmesi ise kullanıcılar tarafından sıklıkla yaşanılan problemlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu noktada kesin çözüm kaynağı olarak Youtube Mp3 şarkı dönüştürücüsü kurtarıcı rol oynamaktadır.

How it Works

Download video from YouTube

After you have completed the installation, YouTube video downloader extension will automatically add Video Download button below the video you are playing at that time. Click this button and it will display all available formats in which you can download your desired video. Select the required format and save the video directly on to your system.

Convert YouTube videos to MP3

The download button under the YouTube video that you will be playing at any time displays the list of all available MP3 formats in which you can convert your required YouTube video. Click the button and select any of the available MP3 format. It will take around maximum 30 Seconds to convert the video in MP3 format depending on video duration.

What’s New

04/11/2017 — Resolved crashes and fixed stability.

01/19/2017 — Added support for a popular streaming site.

01/11/2017 — Resolved a compatibility issue with a popular streaming site- Small improvements added

11/21/2016 — Change the latest version to 3.9
— Fixed an issue with a popular streaming site- Small improvements added

08/31/2016 — Change the latest version to 3.8
— Streaming site support added- Resolved various crashes

07/18/2016 — Change the latest version to 3.5
Streaming site enrichmentResolved various crashes

06/21/2016 — Change the latest version to 3.4
Popular streaming site addedResolved various crashes

04/07/2016 — Change the latest version to 3.3
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashesFixed issue with a popular streaming site

03/04/2016 — YTD Video Downloader 3.2 is online!
Please upgrade as soon as possible to have access to all the fixes, including a major fix for a popular streaming site

02/08/2016 — YTD Video Downloader for Mac 3.1 is now online!
Resolved various crashesRemoved issue with a popular streaming site

12/21/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 3.0 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashesFixed issue with a popular streaming siteResolved compatibility issue with OS X 10.6 and 10.7

12/15/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.9 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashesFixed issue with a popular streaming siteResolved compatibility issue with OS X 10.6 and 10.7

12/09/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.8 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashesFixed issue with a popular streaming site

12/03/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.7 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashes

11/18/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.6 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashes

11/09/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.5 is available.
Addressed a critical issue with updateResolved various crashes

10/07/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.4 is available.
Added compatibility for OS X 10.11Resolved various crashes

03/02/2015 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.3 is available.
Fixes «failed» errors received on certain streaming sites.

10/23/2014 — YTD Mac Downloader and Converter 2.1 is available.
Fixes to playlists downloading and various crashes.

06/16/2014 — YTD Video Downloader for Mac 2.0 was released.
Fixed downloading playlists.
Fixed various crashes.
Improved overall performance of the application.


YTD Video Downloader for Mac 1.9 was released.
Faster download
More streaming sites available.


YTD Video Downloader for Mac 1.8 was released.
Improved download speed by adding multithread.
Improved the conversion process.


YTD Video Downloader for Mac 1.7 was released.
Improved the conversion process.
Record videos in higher resolutions such as 1080.


YTD Video Downloader for Mac 1.6 was released.
Cutting videos from the Convert tab issues have been resolved.
Further issues some users were having downloading videos with YTD have been addressed.


YTD Video Downloader for Mac 1.5 was released.
PRO version was implemented: get multiple URL downloads and multiple concurrent conversions, automatically-convert-to feature and no ads.
We also fixed an issue some users were having downloading videos with YTD.


YTD Video Downloader 1.2 for Mac was released.
We fixed an issue with downloading videos that some users were experiencing.


YTD Video Downloader 1.1 for Mac is online.
The main feature from this version is that we added support for OSX 10.6. Also, you now have the ability to play videos from the activity tab through the system’s default video player.
To do this, once a video download is complete, select it from the activity tab and simply click on the green play button to start playing. Another thing that’s new is that you can now enjoy downloading videos from more video streaming sites!
Last but not least, this release features various bug fixes to improve usability.


This is the first release of the popular Windows video downloading software for the Mac operating system.

Just like you were used to on the Windows version, you can download videos from your favorite websites, not just Youtube. You can also convert your downloaded or existing videos to iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media and XviD.

If you want to help us improve the application please provide feedback using our contact form.

How to Download YouTube Videos for Free?

The AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader simplifies your YouTube video download with two different methods.

Method 1. Save from YouTube using URLs

If you prefer an exact video search, please copy the URL from YouTube and paste it into the Free YouTube Downloader search box. You will get the precise result in no time.

Click the Download button to save YouTube videos.

Method 2. Download from YouTube by keywords

You can enter any words about your desired YouTube video. After you click on the Search button, results relevant to the words will be available to you.

Choose the video you need, and hit the Download button to download the YouTube video.

Best Free YouTube Downloader Online

What can you expect from the best free YouTube downloader online? The following features say it all. Take a look at what you can do with this free YouTube downloader.

Download YouTube to MP3 Downloader Online

Many people want to download YouTube to MP3 or download YouTube audio to reduce dependence on a stable Wi-Fi connection. Meanwhile, they prefer not to install any software. In this sense, AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader is such a handy online YouTube MP3 downloader that suits your needs. It is a free YouTube downloader online that can be used either on a web browser or a mobile browser. Moreover, it doesn’t require you to register. You can rip audio from YouTube in the easiest way.

Convert YouTube to MP4 Free Online

As the world’s largest video hosting website, YouTube offers all kinds of videos users need. There has been a great demand for downloading YouTube to MP4. You can use AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader to convert YouTube to MP4 with ease. Simply insert a link or enter some words in the search bar. The rest things are as easy as 123.

Download YouTube Playlist Online

When you discover an exciting playlist on YouTube, don’t you have the urge to download an entire YouTube playlist? If yes, AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader can be a YouTube playlist downloader. It helps you download YouTube playlist to MP3 and MP4 effortlessly. The job is easy. Copy the URL of the playlist and paste it in the search box, all the tracks of the playlist will appear in the search results.

Download Music from YouTube Online

YouTube is also a music service where users can enjoy and share music online. However, YouTube itself does not allow you to download videos or audio unless you are a premium member. How to download music from YouTube? No worries! Free YouTube Downloader is a free tool that allows you to download music and song from YouTube. You can download YouTube music in MP3 or MP4.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best free YouTube downloader?

If user-friendliness and safety count, AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader is the best free YouTube downloader. It is 100% free and safe without charge and viruses. What’s more, the easy-to-use interface is friendly to any users.

2. Can you download YouTube video for free?

AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader is such a free tool you’ve been looking for. No registration, no ads, no viruses! What you need to do is copy a link and paste it onto the search bar to download video from YouTube. An alternative is to type in a few words about the video you want to download and get YouTube video downloads by clicking the Download button.

3. How can you download music from YouTube?

Follow the steps below:

1. Find your favorite music on YouTube, and copy the link.

2. Open AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader and paste the URL in the search box.

3. Click the Download button to download YouTube music in MP3 or MP4.

Tips: You can also search for YouTube music by entering an artist, song, playlist, lyrics, or album.

4. How to download YouTube videos to MP4?

AmoyShare Free YouTube Downloader makes the YouTube video download an easy task. Take a look:

1. Type a few words in the search box of the Free YouTube Downloader. Hit the Search button.

2. Pick your favored video and click the Download button. Choose an MP4 resolution to download.

Tips: You can search by URLs. In other words, copy a link from YouTube, and paste it into the search box.

More Downloaders

  • YouTube Downloader
  • Download Subtitles From YouTube
  • Facebook Downloader
  • Twitter Downloader
  • SoundCloud Downloader
  • SoundCloud Playlist Downloader
  • Twitch Clips Downloader
  • IMDB Downloader
  • Vimeo Downloader
  • TikTok Downloader
  • YouTube to MP4 Downloader
  • Pinterest Video Downloader
  • Reddit Video Downloader
  • Youtube to MP3 320kbps
  • vs FLVTO
  • vs Y2Mate
  • vs
  • 4K Video Downloader
  • YouTube to FLAC Converter
  • Online YouTube to WebM Converter
  • YouTube to WAV Converter
  • YouTube to AAC Converter
  • Vs
  • YouTube to OGG Converter Online
  • vs Freemake Video Downloader
  • Youtube Playlist Downloader
  • YouTube to MOV Converter
  • YouTube to M4A Converter
  • Download YouTube Videos in 1080p

How to download YouTube videos using VLC Media player

VLC Media Player is a free app that lets you watch videos or play music from your Mac or PC. There’s a chance you might already have it installed on your computer.

And although it’ll take a few minutes, you can use it to download any YouTube video.

1. Find the video you want to download off YouTube and copy its URL.

2. Open VLC. If you’re on a PC, click «Media» at the top of the screen, and then «Open Network Stream.» If you’re on a Mac, click «File» at the top, and then «Open Network.»

Whether on Mac or PC, get to the «Network» screen.

William Antonelli/Business Insider

3. In the menu that appears, paste the URL of the YouTube video you want, and then click «Play» or «Open» at the bottom.

Make sure that «Network» is selected at the top.

Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

4. After a moment, the YouTube video you want will begin playing. A longer YouTube video will take longer to open.

5. If you’re on a PC, click «Tools» at the top of the screen, and then «Media Information.» If you’re on a Mac, click «Window,» and then «Media Information.»

Bring up the «Media Information» menu.

Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

6. In the «Media Information» menu, there will be a «Location» bar at the bottom. Double-click the URL in this bar to select it, and then copy it.

You might not be able to see the entire URL at once.

Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

7. Go back to your web browser and paste that link into your URL bar at the top of the screen, then go to it.

8. You’ll be brought to a page with just the video playing. Click on the three stacked dots on the right side, and then click «Download.»

It should display the same way in most internet browsers.

Ryan Ariano/Business Insider

The video will download onto your computer as an .MP4 file. You can name it or move it wherever you like.

Youtube Video Downloader Online

Downloading YouTube videos as different formats have never been easier. Simply enter the YouTube video link below and our system will do the rest. Instantly convert files to play on your Windows PC, Mac, or iPod. Or simply download the video’s audio track. It’s quick, easy, and 100% free!

If you want to convert and download videos easily from your phone or PC, then the Youtube online video downloader is what you need! Our free application will help you get any Youtube video without wasting your time.

With a simple interface, this PC music downloader works perfectly and does not require you to download other software or fill out any of those long and annoying registration forms. is a highly recommended and simple Youtube online video downloader for PC, which will allow you to download whatever you want simply by clicking and copying the link. not only lets you choose various formats to suit your needs but also allows you to download at a great speed.

This is the best free download tool you can use to get free video clips from YouTube. If you already use YouTube for your video’s needs, then this is definitely the right download tool for you.

Download videos from Youtube with ease now!

The Best Youtube to MP3 Converter and Youtube Playlist Downloader is the best online YouTube MP3 downloader tool that allows you to easily download YouTube videos directly from the internet to MP3 format for offline playback. So, in essence, the best solution is time-efficient and cost-effective.

YouTube has grown significantly in popularity due to its convenience of uploading and watching videos, especially allowing for sharing to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others. These sites have also enabled the uploading of videos in the form of podcasts, making them a great resource for sharing information online.

However, with all these amazing features comes a number of problems. For example, you have to be connected to the internet in order to upload an existing YouTube video, which requires either an internet connection or Wi-Fi. Plus, with the many different videos to choose from, it can become overwhelming to find the right one.

More Downloaders

  • YouTube Downloader
  • Download Subtitles From YouTube
  • Facebook Downloader
  • Twitter Downloader
  • SoundCloud Downloader
  • SoundCloud Playlist Downloader
  • Twitch Clips Downloader
  • IMDB Downloader
  • Vimeo Downloader
  • TikTok Downloader
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  • Online YouTube to WebM Converter
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  • YouTube to M4A Converter
  • Download YouTube Videos in 1080p

What is YouTube Downloader for Mac?

Mac YouTube Downloader is software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Google Video, Yahoo Video, and many others and convert them to other video formats for free.
The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok button!
It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3.
You can use YouTube Downloader on your Mac to download the videos of your choice from home, at the office or in school.
Download the Mac Video Downloader now and get started downloading your favorite videos from YouTube and many other sites.

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