Академия хана (khan academy)

Если вы владеете знаниями, дайте другим зажечь от них светильники

Постепенно к Хану присоединились другие молодые люди, которые подхватили его идею всемирной образовательной сети в Интернете. В настоящее время команда состоит из 46 участников. Ближе познакомиться с ними вы можете на сайте Академии Хана.

Когда команда проекта School Champion увидела видео Академии Хана, то весьма заинтересовалась материалами, которые предлагал Салман. Члены команды настолько воодушевились ими, что решили переводить видео на пять языков: украинский, русский, китайский, французский и немецкий. Поэтому теперь, зайдя на канал, вы можете найти видео по математике и просмотреть их на вышеуказанных языках.

Children’s Privacy Notice

This privacy notice supplements our Privacy Policy and provides additional information about how we collect, use and share personal information from children under the age of 13 (a “Child” or “Children”).

Khan Academy is committed to Children’s privacy.

Protecting the privacy of Children is especially important to Khan Academy. For that reason, we created certain features designed to help protect personal information relating to Children (“Child Users”). When a Child creates an account, we seek the consent of a parent or legal guardian (“Parent”) for that account. When Khan Academy is used by a School in an educational setting, we rely on the School to provide the requisite consent, on behalf of the Parent, for Khan Academy to collect information from a School User under the age of 13.

Please review “Learn More” for more information about:

  • How Children can use and register for our Service
  • Restrictions placed on Accounts for Child Users
  • Information collected and how the information is used
  • Information disclosed
  • No Third Party Tracking and No Targeted Advertising
  • Choice: Access, Modify and Delete Child Accounts

Sal Khan

Sal Khan is the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. He is also the founder of Khan Lab School, a nonprofit laboratory school in Mountain View, California, where Sal teaches seminars in the humanities and sciences.

Sal’s interest in education began while he was an undergraduate at MIT. He developed math software for children with ADHD and tutored fourth- and seventh-grade public school students in Boston. Sal also taught test prep courses for the MCAT and was named teacher of the year by a national test prep company. He holds three degrees from MIT and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


После создания учетной записи первое, что вам будет предложено сделать, это сделать диагностический тест, чтобы Khan Academy могла определить ваши сильные и слабые стороны в каждом разделе SAT. Доступно восемь коротких тестов: две по чтению, две по письму и языку и четыре по математике. После завершения каждой викторины вы сможете просмотреть свои ответы и увидеть, как решить каждую проблему.

После этого вам будут предоставлены персональные рекомендации на основе вашей оценки. Есть четыре разных уровня навыков, на которые вы можете попасть по каждой теме SAT. Если вы правильно ответили на множество вопросов по определенному предмету, вы начнете с более высокого уровня навыков и будете иметь более сложные практические вопросы. Если вы неправильно ответили на многие вопросы, вы начнете с более низкого уровня навыков и постепенно перейдете к более сложным вопросам.

Много раз вам придется начинать с разного уровня навыков по разным темам в рамках раздела. Например, если вы прошли викторину по математическому разделу, на основе ваших ответов вы могли бы начать со 2-го уровня навыков для круговых теорем, задач линейных уравнений и комплексных чисел, и вы могли бы начать с 3-го уровня навыков для построения графиков линейных чисел. уравнения, изолирующие величины, радикальные и рациональные уравнения.

Ваш уровень навыков в каждой области даст вам индивидуальные рекомендации по практике, которые мы рассмотрим далее.

Sharing and disclosure of information

Khan Academy takes great care to protect the personal information you provide to us. We do not sell your personal information to third parties. This section explains circumstances in which we may share personal information with third parties.

We may share personal information:

  • with other users of our Service, if you use features that enable you to share your information with (or make it accessible to) others.
  • with Vendors, consultants and other service providers working on our behalf
  • with other users that are associated with your account, such as a parent, teacher or coach.
  • with your school, if you are using our Service for school purposes (please see for more information).
  • with your consent (including third party applications that you choose to use, such as complementary services or an Authentication Service). If you choose to use a third-party application or service, the use of your information by the third party will be governed by that party’s privacy policy.
  • in connection with business transfers (due to mergers and acquisitions).
  • for compliance purposes, such as when reasonably necessary to protect the security and safety of our users or Service, or when permitted by law.

We may also share de-identified or aggregated information that does not reasonably identify any individual.

Jorge Paulo Lemann

Jorge Paulo Lemann is Chairman of the Lemann Foundation, and Co-Founder and director of 3G Capital, a global investment firm focused on long-term value, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. He is the controlling shareholder and member of the board of Anheuser-Busch InBev, and is a board member of The Kraft Heinz Company. He was formerly founding shareholder and principal executive of Banco de Investimentos Garantia in Brazil until it was sold to Credit Suisse First Boston, and has served on the board of directors of The Gillette Company and Swiss Reinsurance. He has also served on the advisory boards of DaimlerChrysler and Credit Suisse Group, and chaired the Latin American Advisory Board of the New York Stock Exchange.

Khan Academy Privacy Principles

Our Privacy Policy is fueled by our commitment to these Privacy Principles:

  1. We’re deeply committed to creating a safe and secure online environment for you.
  2. We do not sell your personal information to third parties. We established Khan Academy as a nonprofit organization so that our mission of education and your trust will not be in conflict with a for-profit motive.
  3. We strive to provide you with access to and control over the information you give us, and we take the protection of your information very seriously.
  4. We take extra precautions for our younger learners as described in our , including restricting child accounts to automatically block features that would allow a child to post or disclose personal information.
  5. We do not display advertising on Khan Academy. Our mission is to provide you with a world class education, not to sell you products.

David Coleman

David grew up in a family of educators and followed them into the field. He went to public school in New York City before enrolling at Yale University. At Yale, he taught reading to high school students from low-income families and started Branch, an innovative community service program for inner-city students in New Haven, Conn. Based on the success of Branch, David received a Rhodes Scholarship, which he used to study English literature at the University of Oxford and classical educational philosophy at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. He returned to the U.S. to work at McKinsey & Company for five years, where he led much of the firm’s pro bono work in education.

With a team of educators, David founded the Grow Network, an organization committed to making assessment results truly useful for teachers, parents and students. The Grow Network delivered breakthrough-quality reports for parents and teachers as well as individualized learning guides for students. McGraw-Hill acquired the Grow Network in 2005.

In 2007, David left McGraw-Hill and co-founded Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit that assembles educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence to improve student outcomes. Student Achievement Partners played a leading role in developing the Common Core State Standards in math and literacy. David left Student Achievement Partners in the fall of 2012 to become president of the College Board.

John Doerr

John Doerr joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in 1980 and has since backed some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, including Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt of Google; Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com, and Scott Cook and Bill Campbell of Intuit. John’s passion is helping entrepreneurs create the “Next Big Thing” in mobile and social networks, greentech innovation, education and economic development. Ventures sponsored by John have created more than 300,000 new jobs. John serves on the boards of Amyris, Google, and Zynga, as well as several private technology ventures. He also led KPCB’s investment in Twitter.

Преимущества Khan Academy

Поскольку видеоуроки Khan Academy проведут вас через каждый этап решения проблемы, они предлагают вам другой способ изучения и изучения новых концепций если вы чувствуете, что не поняли тему так хорошо, как хотели бы, просто прочитав ее объяснение из книги.

Кроме того, хотя оба ресурса предлагают практические вопросы, разбитые по определенным категориям внутри раздела, только Khan Academy поможет вам определить, в каких из этих областей вы наиболее слабые и, следовательно, вам нужно больше практиковаться.

Другие преимущества Khan Academy включают тот факт, что ее полные практические тесты рассчитаны по времени, поэтому они более реалистичны, и что Khan Academy автоматически оценивает ваши ответы на тестах, викторинах и практических задачах, что экономит ваше время на их оценку. себя. Khan Academy также предлагает гораздо больше практических задач, чем Официальное учебное пособие по SAT делает.

Caroline Hu Flexer

Caroline Hu Flexer is the vice president of Khan Academy Kids. She leads the team developing Khan Academy Kids, an educational program that is designed to inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery for children ages two to six. The app includes interactive and original content across early literacy, language, math, and social-emotional skills.

Prior to Khan Academy, Caroline was the CEO and cofounder of Duck Duck Moose, which joined Khan Academy in 2016. Duck Duck Moose is the creator of 21 award-winning educational apps for children that have been downloaded over 60 million times. Before Duck Duck Moose, Caroline worked in product management and as a design consultant at IDEO.

Transparency and your choice

We take privacy very seriously. We strive to put you in control of the choices and decisions regarding your personal information.

We understand that your personal information is important to you, and that is why you have choices in how your personal information is used and shared. We want you to have access to your personal information, so that you can help keep it as accurate as possible.

For example, you can choose whether to create an account (or use the Service without registering). If you register for an account, you can:

  • Limit optional information you provide
  • Choose whether you wish to share personal information with (and use) third party services
  • Choose whether to add a coach to your account
  • Choose whether you wish to receive optional email
  • Update, correct, and delete your account information through your account settings

In some cases, administrative controls for accounts used in a school setting, including the ability to modify or delete the account, are held by the school. For more information, please review our and .

«…и остается лишь нажать – вот так!»

Не удивительно, что уроки и лекции Салмана так нравятся детям, которым надоели монотонные голоса, которые они слышат каждый день. Потому они воспринимают Салмана скорее как друга, ровесника. Детвора всегда хочет поиграть, пусть даже с цифрами или треугольниками. Видео Хана посвящены какой-то одной маленькой проблеме, разрешив которую, ученик может переходить к другой, с ней связанной. Материал постоянно повторяется. Во время обучения каждый ученик зарабатывает так называемые «значки». У вас есть возможность получить «Метеорит», «Землю», «Луну», «Солнце» и даже «Черную дыру» (но последний значок достается далеко не каждому, для того, чтобы его заработать, надо проявить незаурядные способности). Но мотивация срабатывает!

Для того, чтоб стать студентом Академии Хана, вам не нужно сдавать специальные вступительные экзамены, нужно просто иметь компьютер, Интернет, экаунт в гугле или в социальной сети «Facebook», и главное – желание учиться.

Материалы Академии можно использовать не только дома, но и на уроке. Для этого у учителя есть специальный инструмент – график, который показывает прогресс каждого ученика. Разными цветами отображена работа в классе и дома. И каждый ученик при этом может учиться в своем темпе.

«Ты помнишь, как все начиналось…»

Що таке Академія Хана ?

www.khanacademy.orgНа самом деле Академия Хана – это международная образовательная сеть. Ее основатель и «гуру» Салман Хан начал с того, что когда-то объяснял материал школьной программы своим двоюродным братьям и сестрам и так загорелся этой идеей, что со временем решил делать образовательные видео и размещать результаты своего труда на канале YouTube.

Это началось в 2006 году. Видео были в открытом доступе, и их мог посмотреть кто угодно. Со временем те, которые с ними ознакомились, начали писать Салману письма благодарности. В них говорилось: «Я думаю, за последние три недели я узнал о математике больше, чем за четыре года средней школы», «Когда смотришь видео, тебе все становится понятно», «Благодаря роликам Академии я сдал кучу тестов»…

И это вдохновило Салмана создавать все новые и новые видео. Они были неформальными, как будто учебный материал объясняет вам не учитель, а старший брат, в них содержались шутки… Может быть, в этом и заключался главный его секрет?

Потому что спустя некоторое время видео Салмана Хана начали смотреть тысячи людей по всему миру. Основатель компании Microsoft Билл Гейтс сказал: «То, что делает Хан – потрясающе! Я считаю его основоположником движения в поддержку использования технологий для того, чтобы позволить большему количеству людей учиться и проверять свой уровень знаний. Это начало революции!».

Wendy Kopp

Wendy Kopp is CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All, a global network of independent organizations that are cultivating their nations’ promising future leaders to ensure their most marginalized children have the chance to fulfill their true potential. Wendy founded Teach For America in 1989 to marshal the energy of her generation against educational inequity in the United States. Today, more than 10,000 Teach For America corps members—outstanding recent college graduates and professionals of all academic disciplines—are in the midst of two-year teaching commitments in 50 urban and rural regions, and Teach For America has proven to be an unparalleled source of long-term leadership for expanding opportunity for children. After leading Teach For America’s growth and development for 24 years, in 2013, Wendy transitioned out of the role of CEO. Today, she remains an active member of Teach For America’s board.

Wendy led the development of Teach For All to be responsive to the initiative of inspiring social entrepreneurs around the world who were determined to adapt this approach in their own countries. Now in its eighth year, the Teach For All network is comprised of partner organizations in more than 35 countries around the world, including its founding partners Teach For America and the U.K.’s Teach First.

Signe Ostby

Signe Ostby started her career with Procter & Gamble as a brand assistant and introduced in-store sampling methods to the company. After leaving P&G, she worked briefly at Clorox before finding her niche in the high-tech marketplace. Ostby launched her start-up, Software Publishing Corporation, making productivity software for personal computers and bringing the concept of trial-size promotion to software products. Ostby subsequently started a marketing strategy consulting practice, working for many of the leading personal computer hardware and software companies. In addition, she developed a seminar series to teach consumer packaged goods concepts to high-tech companies selling products through retail stores.

Your account settings

We want you to have access to your information, so that you can help keep it as accurate as possible. If you register and provide Khan Academy with information, you may update, correct, or delete your account and information at any time by reviewing your profile information and preferences on your account settings page.

Parents (not Children) can modify or delete Child User accounts, as described in our . Parents or school users who request to modify or delete School Accounts may be directed to the School.

Further information about how you can access, update, correct, or delete your account in the account settings is provided under “Learn More”.

James Manyika

Senior Partner at McKinsey and Chair of the McKinsey Global Institute

James Manyika is a Senior Partner at McKinsey and Chair of the McKinsey Global Institute. He also serves on McKinsey’s Board of Directors. For over 20 years he has worked with many of the world’s leading technology companies, founders and chief executives. He also researches and writes about technology’s impact on the economy and society. James regularly collaborates with private sector leaders, leading economists and policy makers around the world on initiatives and commissions related to inclusive growth, opportunities from technology and its societal impact.

James was appointed by President Obama as Vice Chair of the Global Development Council at the White House. He is on the boards of the Council on Foreign Relations, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Markle Foundation, and advisory boards of the Oxford Internet Institute, MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy and Harvard’s Hutchins center and WEB DuBois Institute. James is a member of the standing committee for the Stanford-based 100 Year Study on Artificial Intelligence, a fellow at DeepMind on AI, Ethics and Society, a non-resident senior fellow of the Brookings Institution, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Catherine Wang

Catherine Wang is the chief marketing officer at Khan Academy. She leads the team responsible for driving awareness and usage of Khan Academy by learners, parents, teachers, and districts through campaigns, programs, and partnerships.

Prior to joining Khan Academy, Catherine was vice president of sales and marketing at Quicken, leading all aspects of retail sales, product marketing, digital marketing, analytics, and supply chain. Catherine also previously held marketing leadership roles at Intuit, worked in the strategy group at Charles Schwab, and served as a management consultant at McKinsey.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Khan Academy may modify or revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Khan Academy will notify users of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the revised Privacy Policy with an updated date of revision on our Service. If we change this Policy in a material manner, we will do our best to notify you of the changes by posting a notice on our website. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy each time you visit the Service to stay informed of our privacy practices.

We will not make any material changes to our Privacy Policy that relate to the collection or use of Student Personal Data without first giving notice to the School and providing a choice before Student Personal Data are used in a materially different manner than was disclosed when the information was collected.

Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is the executive chairman of Alphabet Inc. He is responsible for the external matters of all of the holding company’s businesses, including Google Inc., advising their CEOs and leadership on business and policy issues.

Prior to the establishment of Alphabet, Eric was the chairman of Google Inc. for four years. From 2001-2011, Eric served as Google’s chief executive officer, overseeing the company’s technical and business strategy alongside founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Under his leadership, Google dramatically scaled its infrastructure and diversified its product offerings while maintaining a strong culture of innovation, growing from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology.

Prior to joining Google, Eric was the chairman and CEO of Novell and chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Previously, he served on the research staff at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Bell Laboratories and Zilog. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University as well as a master’s degree and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley.

Anne Finucane

Anne M. Finucane is vice chairman at Bank of America and a member of the company’s executive management team. She is responsible for the strategic positioning of Bank of America and leads the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts. In addition, she oversees public policy, customer research and analytics, global marketing and communications. Finucane chairs the global ESG Committee at Bank of America, which directs all of the company’s ESG efforts. She stewards Bank of America’s $125 billion environmental business initiative, including its $10 billion Catalytic Finance Initiative to mobilize market capital to deliver new investment into high impact clean energy projects. She oversees the company’s $1.2 billion Community Development Financial Institution portfolio and helps manage Bank of America’s 10-year, $1.5 trillion community development lending and investing goal – the largest of its kind ever established by a U.S. financial institution. She also chairs the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, including its 10-year, $2 billion charitable giving goal. Active in the community, Finucane serves on both corporate and nonprofit boards of directors including Carnegie Hall, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, the American Ireland Fund, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, CVS Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Partners Healthcare, and Special Olympics. She serves on the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy board and also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Julia Cowles

Julia Cowles is vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary at Khan Academy. She is responsible for overseeing legal, compliance and governance matters, particularly those relating to child and student data privacy, and for implementing the structure and processes to support a comprehensive compliance program meeting the needs of school districts as well as individual learners. She advises and supports our Board, senior leadership team and teammates across all functions, including information security, school and strategic partnerships, philanthropy, and people operations.

Prior to joining Khan Academy, Julia was the chief legal officer at LOYAL3, a financial technology company, managing their legal, regulatory and governance affairs. Previously, she was a corporate partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, where her practice focused on corporate finance, complex and strategic business transactions and corporate governance matters.

Julia received her undergraduate degree at Hamilton College, and her law degree at Fordham University. She served as a law clerk to Hon. Richard J. Cardamone, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She is admitted to the bar in California and New York, and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US).

Michael Chanover

Michael Chanover is the vice president of design. Prior to joining Khan Academy, Michael served as the vice president of design and user experience at NerdWallet, where he led a team of designers, researchers, and writers across product design, research, and brand toward solutions that enabled consumers to make financial decisions with confidence.

Michael also previously served as vice president of design at Shopkick, a mobile loyalty platform; chief creative officer for Fingerprint, a gaming platform; and vice president of product for the Alsop-Louie portfolio company, Kidlandia. Michael was the global creative director of web and brand at the educational toy company, LeapFrog Enterprises, where he led brand and user experience design. Michael spent four years in the San Francisco and New York offices of Frogdesign as executive producer and general manager.

Практические вопросы

В Khan Academy доступны тысячи практических вопросов SAT. У каждого из испытуемых, протестированных на SAT, есть видеоролики и практические вопросы, связанные с ним, поэтому после просмотра видеоролика по определенной концепции, такой как синтаксис или задачи со словами линейного уравнения, вы можете попробовать несколько вопросов по этой теме, чтобы увидеть, насколько хорошо вы понимаете Это.

После того, как вы ответите на проблему, вы сразу узнаете, правильно вы ее поняли или нет, и объяснение будет появляться для каждого варианта ответа это объясняет, почему этот конкретный выбор был правильным или неправильным.

Академия Хана доступна Украине!

Итак, Салман Хан подарил миллионам людей во всем мире такой простой способ обучения. А благодаря переводам команды School Champion этот инструмент теперь стал доступен и на других языках. В настоящий момент усилия нашей команды сосредоточены на русской и украинской версиях:

Языковые версии Академии Хана
На русском языке На украинском языке
Официальный канал YouTube https://www.youtube.com/KhanAcademyRussian https://www.youtube.com/KhanAcademyUkrainian
Раздел на сайте Khan Academy https://ru.khanacademy.org https://uk.khanacademy.org
Социальные сети
На русском языке На украинском языке
Vkontakte http://vk.com/khanacademyrussian http://vk.com/khanacademyukrainian

Так что обучайтесь с удовольствием! Потому что по словам Эрика Хоффера, тот, кто прекращает учиться, готовится жить в мире, которого не существует.

Если вы заинтересовались идеей онлайн образования и хотите применять материалы Академии Хана на своих уроках, то на странице «Khan Academy в вашем классе» вы сможете найти советы по их внедрению в образовательный процесс.

Если у вас появились вопросы или предложения, пишите нам на khan@schoolchampion.com.

Почему Khan Academy и Совет колледжей предлагают эти ресурсы бесплатно?

И Хан Академия, и Колледж являются некоммерческими организациями. Это означает, что их цель — приносить пользу другим, а не получать прибыль. Вместо этого они используют свой избыточный доход для достижения своей миссии или цели. Khan Academy заявляет, что

Многочисленные исследования показали, что студенты из более обеспеченных семей, как правило, лучше справляются с тестом SAT, чем студенты из менее обеспеченных семей. Совет колледжей хочет, чтобы ваша оценка SAT зависела от вашего интеллекта, а не от того, насколько богаты ваши родители.

Чтобы попытаться решить эту проблему, они стали сотрудничать с Khan Academy, которая предлагает все свои уроки бесплатно, так что студенты с любым экономическим образованием имеют доступ к одним и тем же материалам. Это часть более крупного ребрендинга SAT, проведенного Советом колледжей. который также включал в экзамен много значительных изменений.

Все ресурсы Khan Academy предоставляются бесплатно.

Collection of information

We collect information in the following ways, depending on your use of the Service and your account settings:

  • We collect information from you directly, such as when you create an account, communicate with us, participate in activities, events or surveys, or otherwise provide information during your use of the Service.
  • We may collect information from others, such as your parent, teacher, or School, or third parties (meaning organizations outside of Khan Academy), such as third party applications that you use to connect to the Service.
  • We collect some information automatically, such as information about your use of the Service and the devices you use to access the Service. We may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect information as explained in our Cookie Notice.

Examples of information we may collect includes:

  • Account registration information (username, birthdate, and email)
  • Information about your browser or device, and general location
  • Information you choose to include in your profile or post in public areas of the Service
  • Information you may provide in connection with specific features or special programs
  • Non-personal information which may be linked to your personal information, including Information about your use of our Service

Additional information about our collection of Child and student data is provided in our and . Further information about how Khan Academy collects your information is provided under “Learn More”.

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Khan Academy, Inc. (“Khan Academy”, “our”, “us”, or “we”) is a US-based charitable nonprofit organization. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we use the information we collect to provide you with a better experience and fulfill our mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We established ourselves as a nonprofit organization so that a for-profit motive will not interfere with our mission of providing a trusted educational resource.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We understand how important privacy is to you, and we are committed to protecting your privacy and to creating a safe and secure environment for learners of all ages. This Privacy Policy explains how information is collected, used, shared, and protected by Khan Academy when you use (or access) our website at www.khanacademy.org, our mobile application, and online service (collectively, our “Service”). Our Khan Academy Kids mobile application is governed by a different privacy policy.

Note: For each section in this Privacy Policy, you can view the general privacy practices at the beginning of the section, and see more information by reviewing “Learn More” for the relevant section.

Use by Children and Students

For specific information about how we collect, use, and process personal information when providing the Service to schools, school districts, and teachers, please review the .

Our describes how we collect, use, and process personal information from children under 13.

Резюме: Материалы для подготовки к экзаменам Академии Хана

Напомним, ресурсы для подготовки к тестам Khan Academy включают:

Диагностические викторины чтобы помочь вам выяснить, насколько вы сильны по каждому предмету, прежде чем вы начнете учиться.

Индивидуальные рекомендации по практике так что вы можете сосредоточиться на изучении материала, который вам нужно улучшить.

Видео уроки чтобы помочь прояснить темы, которые вы не понимаете сразу.

Многочисленные вопросы практики чтобы помочь укрепить свои навыки.

Полная длина практические тесты чтобы вы привыкли к настоящему SAT.

Чтобы узнать больше о том, как вам следует использовать эти ресурсы и каковы их ограничения, ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством по как получить максимальную отдачу от подготовки к SAT Khan Academy.

Kristen DiCerbo

Kristen DiCerbo, Ph.D. is the chief learning officer at Khan Academy. In this role, she is responsible for driving and communicating our instructional and pedagogical strategy for Khan Academy’s learning programs, content, and product to improve student and teacher engagement and outcomes. She ensures pedagogical coherence of our overall offering and ensures a research-informed design across product, content, and programs.

Prior to coming to Khan Academy, Kristen was the vice-president of learning research and design at Pearson. Throughout her career she has focused on conducting and embedding learning science research into digital learning experiences, including work with the Cisco Networking Academy. She also served as a school psychologist in an Arizona school district.

Regional information

This Regional information notice supplements our Privacy Policy. In certain regions, you may have certain additional rights. This may include the right to request access or to update or review your information, request that it be deleted or anonymized, or object to or restrict Khan Academy using it for certain purposes.

If you wish to exercise a right, please . Our ability to respond to specific requests may be limited by applicable law and the functionality of our Service.

International Data Transfer : Our Service is operated and managed on servers located within the United States. If you choose to use our Service from Europe or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and use that differ from United States law, then you acknowledge that Khan Academy will transfer, store, and process your personal information to the United States for the purpose of performing the Service according to our contract (e.g., our Terms of Service) and for any other purpose for which you provide explicit, informed consent.

Michael Horn

Michael Horn speaks and writes about the future of education and works with a portfolio of education organizations to improve the life of each and every student. He is the co-founder of and a distinguished fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, a non-profit think tank; he serves as a principal consultant for Entangled Solutions, which offers innovation services to higher education institutions; and he is the director of the Education + Technology fund, a joint philanthropic project of Two Sigma and Robin Hood with the mission of unlocking the potential of technology to advance achievement for low-income students.

Matt Larson

Matt Larson is president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), a 70,000-member international mathematics education organization. Previously, Larson was the K–12 curriculum specialist for mathematics in Lincoln (Nebraska) Public Schools for more than 20 years.

Larson began his career in education as a high school mathematics teacher. He has authored or co-authored several books, including a series on professional learning communities and Common Core Mathematics. He is co-author of Balancing the Equation: A Guide to School Mathematics for Educators and Parents, and he was on the writing team of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All (2014). Larson has taught mathematics at the elementary through college level and has held an appointment as an honorary visiting associate professor at Teachers College, Columbia University.

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